The Joomla!® User Experience Portal

Joomla User eXperience

JUX Blog Activity

JUX Code Sprint - Report

On the 8th and 9th July seven people gathered at the Chancellors Conference Centre, in Manchester, for a 2 day code sprint looking at Joomla UX. Talking about things online is great but you can't beat real face to face time. (Chancellors was chosen as it was the most accessible location and being part of Manchester University they use Joomla)

We split each day into analysis and coding sessions that ran from 9am through until three or four in the morning and achieved a huge amount. Of course some of the work we discussed has not even been started yet and some of the items we discussed will just have to wait until Joomla 4.

Our aims were to improve the usability, accessibility, consistency and perhaps more importantly to reduce some perceived complexity. You can see the work achieved to date in the short video below but to summarise:


Open invitation for JUX Code sprint 8-9 July 2013

I’d like to extend an open invitation, on behalf of the Joomla User eXperience (JUX) Team, to the first official JUX Code Sprint:


JUX in 2012

Joomla 2.5 was just released to kickstart 2012, so what's the status of the JUX?


Why is the J!UX special?

We are embarking on a massive effort, a Joomla frontier.