JW14 Race Results

JOG Offshore Week 2014

Provisional Results

Sponsored by RPL Construction

Cowes - Dartmouth.  Race No 1 of JOG Week

Saturday 5th July
(Not for championship points)
Class 3 & 4 12 Started at 07:15:00
GBR1509R JIBE E 1.013 23:09:52 15:54:52 16:07:17 1 1180
GBR1290R J Fever E 1.052 22:44:51 15:29:51 16:18:12 2 879
GBR529R Just So E 1.011 23:34:11 16:19:11 16:29:57 3 703
GBR702R Wildfire 1.004 23:53:30 16:38:30 16:42:30 4 578
GBR9868T Jbellino E 1.076 22:46:45 15:31:45 16:42:34 5 481
GBR1694R Exuberant E 1.044 23:33:20 16:18:20 17:01:23 6 402
GBR2904L Hot Pursuit E 1.005 1 00:14:48 16:59:48 17:04:54 7 335
GBR8643T Arcsine 1.008 1 00:35:16 17:20:16 17:28:35 8 277
GBR562R Night Owl 2 1.132 22:46:47 15:31:47 17:34:47 9 226
GBR9824 NJOS E 1.056 1 00:00:21 16:45:21 17:41:39 10 180
GBR8383R Mighty Max 2 E 1.068 1 00:06:20 16:51:20 18:00:06 11 139
GBR6504N Talisman E 1.068 RTD 50
Class 5 & 6 16 Started at 07:00:00
GBR123 Xara E 0.939 1 00:23:38 17:23:38 16:19:58 1 1305
GBR8316 Rapscallion E 0.983 1 00:05:35 17:05:35 16:48:09 2 1004
GBR815 Longue Pierre E 0.974 1 00:17:17 17:17:17 16:50:19 3 828
GBR2458L Raffles 0.925 1 01:20:46 18:20:46 16:58:13 4 703
GBR982R Bombardier E 0.962 1 00:40:30 17:40:30 17:00:12 5 606
GBR8287 Persephone of London E 0.983 1 00:30:51 17:30:51 17:12:59 6 527
GBR7797R Jeopardy 2 E 0.974 1 00:42:30 17:42:30 17:14:52 7 460
GBR1259T Moondog E 0.900 1 02:10:57 19:10:57 17:15:51 8 402
GBR5529T Girolle 0.956 1 01:04:40 18:04:40 17:16:56 9 351
GBR9781R Shades of Blue 0.977 1 00:45:50 17:45:50 17:21:19 10 305
GBR8307 Paracelsus E 0.983 1 01:25:23 18:25:23 18:06:36 11 264
GBR1397R Jaslan E 0.974 1 01:42:07 18:42:07 18:12:56 12 226
ESP4591 Dogmatix E 0.918 1 03:46:55 20:46:55 19:04:40 13 191
GBR8336 Bellerophon of Wight 0.983 1 RTD 50
GBR4300 Imperator 0.939 1 RTD 50
GBR5777 Alchemist E 0.926 1 RTD 50
Class 3 & 4
1st JIBE Robin Taunt
2nd J Fever Tim & Frances Lester
3rd Just So David & William McGough
Class 5 & 6
1st Xara Jonathan & Anne Rolls
2nd Rapscallion Jamie Diamond
3rd Loungue Pierre David Cooper & Paul England

JOG Offshore Week 2014

Provisional Results

Sponsored by RPL Construction

Dartmouth - St Quay Portrieaux 

Monday 7th July
(Not for championship points)
Class 3 & 4 12 Started at 10:45:00
GBR529R Just So E 1.011 1 06:57:49 20:12:49 20:26:09 1 1180
GBR1509R JIBE E 1.013 1 07:01:55 20:16:55 20:32:44 2 879
GBR1290R J Fever E 1.052 1 06:33:57 19:48:57 20:50:47 3 703
GBR2904L Hot Pursuit E 1.005 1 07:59:45 21:14:45 21:21:07 4 578
GBR702R Wildfire 1.004 1 08:16:25 21:31:25 21:36:35 5 481
GBR9868T Jbellino E 1.076 1 06:53:21 20:08:21 21:40:11 6 402
GBR8643T Arcsine 1.008 1 08:22:33 21:37:33 21:47:56 7 335
GBR1694R Exuberant E 1.044 1 08:01:40 21:16:40 22:12:50 8 277
GBR8383R Mighty Max 2 E 1.068 1 07:59:40 21:14:40 22:41:21 9 226
GBR6504N Talisman E 1.068 1 08:13:27 21:28:27 22:56:04 10 180
GBR9824 NJOS E 1.056 1 08:36:53 21:51:53 23:05:21 11 139
GBR562R Night Owl 2 1.132 1 07:11:45 20:26:45 23:08:41 12 101
Class 5 & 6 14 Started at 10:30:00
GBR123 Xara E 0.939 1 07:27:58 20:57:58 19:41:14 1 1247
GBR2458L Raffles 0.925 1 08:15:51 21:45:51 20:07:55 2 946
GBR815 Longue Pierre E 0.974 1 07:22:10 20:52:10 20:19:37 3 770
GBR8316 Rapscallion E 0.983 1 07:29:55 20:59:55 20:38:30 4 645
GBR8307 Paracelsus E 0.983 1 07:33:15 21:03:15 20:41:46 5 548
GBR982R Bombardier E 0.962 1 08:01:42 21:31:42 20:42:37 6 469
GBR8287 Persephone of London E 0.983 1 07:53:50 21:23:50 21:02:00 7 402
GBR9781R Shades of Blue 0.977 1 08:03:20 21:33:20 21:03:35 8 344
GBR1259T Moondog E 0.900 1 10:02:51 23:32:51 21:11:34 9 293
GBR5529T Girolle 0.956 1 08:55:55 22:25:55 21:26:42 10 247
GBR7797R Jeopardy 2 E 0.974 1 09:07:02 22:37:02 22:01:45 11 206
GBR1397R Jaslan E 0.974 1 09:31:24 23:01:24 22:25:29 12 168
GBR8336 Bellerophon of Wight E 0.983 1 09:22:15 22:52:15 22:28:55 13 133
ESP4591 Dogmatix E 0.918 1 11:08:15 24:38:15 22:37:02 14 101
GBR4300 Imperator 0.939 1 SCR
GBR5777 Alchemist E 0.926 1 SCR
Class 3 & 4
1st Just So David & William McGough
2nd JIBE Robin Taunt
3rd J Fever Tim & Frances Lester
Class 5 & 6
1st Xara Jonathan & Anne Rolls
2nd Raffles Peter Cover & Matt Stiles
3rd Longue Pierre David Cooper & Paul England

JOG Offshore Week 2014

Provisional Results

Sponsored by RPL Construction

St Quay Portrieux - St Cast 

Wednesday 9th July
(Not for championship points)
Class 3 & 4 12 Started at 09:45:00
GBR1290R J Fever E 1.052 12:46:07 03:01:07 03:10:32 1 1180
GBR529R Just So E 1.011 12:57:04 03:12:04 03:14:11 2 879
GBR1509R JIBE E 1.013 12:58:42 03:13:42 03:16:13 3 703
GBR8383R Mighty Max 2 E 1.068 12:52:00 03:07:00 03:19:43 4 578
GBR702R Wildfire 1.004 13:07:50 03:22:50 03:23:39 5 481
GBR6504N Talisman E 1.068 12:56:36 03:11:36 03:24:38 6 402
GBR8643T Arcsine 1.008 13:08:02 03:23:02 03:24:39 7 335
GBR9868T Jbellino E 1.076 12:55:48 03:10:48 03:25:18 8 277
GBR562R Night Owl 2 1.132 12:47:50 03:02:50 03:26:58 9 226
GBR9824 NJOS E 1.056 13:02:21 03:17:21 03:28:24 10 180
GBR2904L Hot Pursuit E 1.005 13:14:01 03:29:01 03:30:04 11 139
GBR1694R Exuberant E 1.044 13:06:27 03:21:27 03:30:19 12 101
Class 5 & 6 15 Started at 09:30:00
GBR1259T Moondog E 0.900 13:07:23 03:37:23 03:15:39 1 1277
GBR2458L Raffles 0.925 13:02:14 03:32:14 03:16:19 2 976
GBR5529T Girolle 0.956 12:55:24 03:25:24 03:16:22 3 800
GBR9781R Shades of Blue 0.977 12:52:52 03:22:52 03:18:12 4 675
GBR123 Xara E 0.939 13:02:35 03:32:35 03:19:37 5 578
GBR5777 Alchemist E 0.926 13:08:51 03:38:51 03:22:39 6 499
GBR8316 Rapscallion E 0.983 12:58:45 03:28:45 03:25:12 7 432
GBR815 Longue Pierre E 0.974 13:02:04 03:32:04 03:26:33 8 374
ESP4591 Dogmatix E 0.918 13:18:00 03:48:00 03:29:18 9 323
GBR8307 Paracelsus E 0.983 13:04:08 03:34:08 03:30:30 10 277
GBR7797R Jeopardy 2 E 0.974 13:08:50 03:38:50 03:33:09 11 236
GBR8287 Persephone of London E 0.983 13:07:44 03:37:44 03:34:02 12 198
GBR982R Bombardier E 0.962 13:12:50 03:42:50 03:34:22 13 163
GBR1397R Jaslan E 0.974 13:14:58 03:44:58 03:39:07 14 131
GBR8336 Bellerophon of Wight E 0.983 13:21:40 03:51:40 03:47:44 15 101
GBR4300 Imperator 0.939 SCR
Class 3 & 4
1st J Fever Tim & Frances Lester
2nd Just So David & William McGough
3rd JIBE Robin Taubt
Class 5 & 6
1st Moondog Peter Pickett
2nd Raffles Peter Cover & Matt Stiles
3rd Girolle Tim Corner

JOG Offshore Week 2014

Provisional Results

Sponsored by RPL Construction

St Cast - St Peter Port

Friday 11th July
(Not for championship points)
Class 3 & 4 12 Started at 07:45:00
GBR1290R J Fever E 1.052 15:08:39 07:23:39 07:46:43 1 1180
GBR529R Just So E 1.011 15:34:07 07:49:07 07:54:17 2 879
GBR1509R JIBE E 1.013 15:35:08 07:50:08 07:56:15 3 703
GBR6504N Talisman E 1.068 15:13:52 07:28:52 07:59:23 4 578
GBR562R Night Owl 2 1.132 14:53:07 07:08:07 08:04:38 5 481
GBR1694R Exuberant E 1.044 15:33:44 07:48:44 08:09:21 6 402
GBR8643T Arcsine 1.008 15:54:34 08:09:34 08:13:29 7 335
GBR702R Wildfire 1.004 15:58:08 08:13:08 08:15:06 8 277
GBR8383R Mighty Max 2 E 1.068 15:33:40 07:48:40 08:20:32 9 226
GBR9868T Jbellino E 1.076 15:32:05 07:47:05 08:22:35 10 180
GBR9824 NJOS E 1.056 15:47:51 08:02:51 08:29:53 11 139
GBR2904L Hot Pursuit E 1.005 16:22:11 08:37:11 08:39:46 12 101
Class 5 & 6 15 Started at 07:30:00
GBR123 Xara E 0.939 15:57:47 08:27:47 07:56:49 1 1277
GBR7797R Jeopardy 2 E 0.974 15:51:55 08:21:55 08:08:52 2 976
GBR8316 Rapscallion E 0.983 15:47:25 08:17:25 08:08:58 3 800
GBR1259T Moondog E 0.900 16:41:02 09:11:02 08:15:56 4 675
GBR815 Longue Pierre E 0.974 15:59:55 08:29:55 08:16:40 5 578
GBR2458L Raffles 0.925 16:32:41 09:02:41 08:21:59 6 499
GBR8307 Paracelsus E 0.983 16:02:43 08:32:43 08:24:00 7 432
GBR982R Bombardier E 0.962 16:18:04 08:48:04 08:28:00 8 374
GBR9781R Shades of Blue 0.977 16:12:04 08:42:04 08:30:04 9 323
GBR5529T Girolle 0.956 16:27:21 08:57:21 08:33:42 10 277
GBR5777 Alchemist E 0.926 16:47:33 09:17:33 08:36:17 11 236
ESP4591 Dogmatix E 0.918 16:53:35 09:23:35 08:37:22 12 198
GBR1397R Jaslan E 0.974 16:53:29 09:23:29 09:08:50 13 163
GBR8287 Persephone of London E 0.983 16:54:50 09:24:50 09:15:14 14 131
GBR8336 Bellerophon of Wight E 0.983 17:14:41 09:44:41 09:34:45 15 101
GBR4300 Imperator 0.939 SCR
Class 3 & 4 1st J Fever Tim & Frances Lester
2nd Just So David & William McGough
3rd JIBE Robin Taunt
Class 5 & 6 1st Xara Jonathan & Anne Rolls
2nd Jeopardy 2 Nick Barlow
3rd Rapscallion Jamie Diamond


Sponsored by RPL Construction

Overall points table

TOTAL Dart St Quay St Cast St P Port
Class 3 & 4            
GBR1290R J Fever 3942 879 703 1180 1180
GBR529R Just So 3641 703 1180 879 879
GBR1509R JIBE 3465 1180 879 703 703
GBR702R Wildfire 1818 578 481 481 277
GBR9868T Jbellino 1340 481 402 277 180
GBR8643T Arcsine 1282 277 335 335 335
GBR6504N Talisman 1210 50 180 402 578
GBR1694R Exuberant 1182 402 277 101 402
GBR8383R Mighty Max 2 1169 139 226 578 226
GBR2904L Hot Pursuit 1153 335 578 139 101
GBR562R Night Owl 2 1034 226 101 226 481
GBR9824 NJOS 638 180 139 180 139
Class 5 & 6
GBR123 Xara 4407 1305 1247 578 1277
GBR2458L Raffles 3124 703 946 976 499
GBR8316 Rapscallion 2881 1004 645 432 800
GBR1259T Moondog 2647 402 293 1277 675
GBR815 Longue Pierre 2550 828 770 374 578
GBR7797R Jeopardy 2 1877 460 206 236 976
GBR5529T Girolle 1675 351 247 800 277
GBR9781R Shades of Blue 1647 305 344 675 323
GBR982R Bombardier 1612 606 469 163 374
GBR8307 Paracelsus 1521 264 548 277 432
GBR8287 Persephone of London 1258 527 402 198 131
ESP4591 Dogmatix 813 191 101 323 198
GBR5777 Alchemist 785 50 499 236
GBR1397R Jaslan 688 226 168 131 163
GBR8336 Bellerophon of Wight 385 50 133 101 101
Double Handed
GBR8316 Rapscallion 2081 1004 645 432
GBR9868T Jbellino 1340 481 402 277 180
GBR8643T Arcsine 1282 277 335 335 335
GBR8287 Persephone of London 1258 527 402 198 131
GBR2904L Hot Pursuit 1173 355 578 139 101


Class 3 & 4


J Fever

Tim & Frances Lester


Just So

David & Mary McGough



Robin Taunt

Class 5 & 6



Jonathan & Anne Rolls



Peter Cover & Matt Stiles



Jamie Diamond

Double Handed Overall

1st Rapscallion        

Jamie Diamond

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