Today's Woot Write-up
Down Alternative is NOT just down with a skinny jeans and a nose piercing. It's very very different.
It's the same problem that consumers have faced since the early days of the hippie movement. Do you go with the clean-cut yet boring? Or do you chase down the dangerously-edgy yet unpredictable alternative?
Look, if you survived the 1990s, you know that choice is BOGUS. Those "alternative" artists with nose rings and tongue studs sell out just as fast as the singers in suits and cashmere. Plus we now know the edgy jean jacket of yesterday is the boring mainstream jean jacket of tomorrow is the cool retro jean jacket of the day after tomorrow is the ironic jean jacket of the day after that. Alternative is like post-modern. It's just a word! All that matters is that you're comfortable.
And with this particular alternative comforter, you will be. So please don't feel bad when it becomes mainstream, okay? Obscure is only for punk bands and foreign movies. Not bedding.