BMF Tourism

BMF Tourism brings together those BMF Associations and their members who are active in the Tourism marketplace whether in the UK or Overseas.

It provides a focus for BMF members involved in the Tourism sector, with the aim of growing and enhancing the marine tourism industry in the UK The Objectives of BMF Tourism are:

  • Working with the ‘Visit’ family and others including DMOs to promote Boating as a Tourism activity to foster growth in the sector
  • To promote BMF members to consumers in order to drive sales, and increase regular participation in boating holidays and trips working with ‘On the Water’ and others
  • Providing a resource of market intelligence and statistical information
  • Enhancing the Marine Tourism offer through the provision of quality scheme(s)
  • Representing the sector to Government and others
  • Assisting BMF Tourism member businesses in making the most of Government/Industry support available to them
bmf tourismbmf tourismbmf tourism


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