Industry Guidance and Best Practice

BMF Leisure Boating
Exclusive to BMF members

Bareboat Charter Agreement Template

Bareboat Charter Agreement Template

Contact: BMF Leisure Boating
Price to BMF Members: Free
BMF Leisure Boating
Exclusive to BMF members

Charter Vessel Management Agreement Template

Charter Vessel Management Agreement Template

Contact: BMF Leisure Boating
Price to BMF Members: Free
BMF Leisure Boating
Exclusive to BMF members

Skippered Charter Agreement Template

Skippered Charter Agreement Template

Contact: BMF Leisure Boating
Price to BMF Members: Free
Safe Use of LPG Cylinders
Exclusive to BMF members

UKLPG guidance on the safe use of cylinders

UKLPG have released a new guidance sheet on the safe use of cylinders, will replace current HSE Guidelines.

Contact: BMF Technical
Price to BMF Members: Free
EU Blue Guide 2014
Exclusive to BMF members

The Blue Guide 2014

This guide is intended to contribute to a better understanding of internal market legislation on marine products

Contact: BMF Technical
Price to BMF Members: Free
Word Document
Exclusive to BMF members

Protocol of delivery and acceptance of a secondhand vessel

A template form for protocol of delivery and acceptance of a second hand vessel.

Contact: BMF Legal & Finance
Price to BMF Members: Free
Word Document
Exclusive to BMF members

TEP Storage Guidance

Guidance for the correct storage procedures for Time Expired Pyrotechnics

Contact: BMF Environment and Boating Facilities
Price to BMF Members: Free
Word Document
Exclusive to BMF members

Water Supply Inspection Form

This Inspection form should be used in conjunction with the "Conditions for the provision, use and maintenance in marinas of quayside taps with check valves and hoses for filling boats with water for domestic purposes"

Contact: BMF Environment and Boating Facilities
Price to BMF Members: Free
Word Document
Exclusive to BMF members

Guidance for the provision, use and maintenance of hoses in marinas

Conditions accepted by the WRAS Technical Committee on behalf of all the UK Water Suppliers, who will adopt these alternative arrangements at their discretion where they consider the circumstances to be appropriate.

Contact: BMF Environment and Boating Facilities
Price to BMF Members: Free

Health and Safety Guide (CDRom)

This Health and Safety Guide is complemented by three Sector Guides covering the specific needs of Boat Building and Repairs, Marinas and Boatyards and Boat Using at Work. These four resources are contained on a single CDROM in an easy to read, fully searchable format, allowing quick access to sections, topics, references and bookmarking. Also included are many of the free guides published by the Health and Safety Executive that can be easily downloaded from the CDROM. To receive this FREE CD Rom contact

Contact: BMF Technical
Price to BMF Members: Free
Price to Non BMF Members: Free