Buying From A BMF Member

BMF LogoThe British Marine Federation (BMF) is the trade association for the leisure marine industry and represents over 1500 marine businesses including boatbuilders, marina operators, sea schools, holiday operators and equipment and service providers. All companies are therefore members of the BMF and adhere to a Code of Practice giving you some assurance that they are carrying out business in accordance with best practice and legal standards.

Some of the areas that the Code of Practice covers include:

  • Best standards of customer service to ensure that members act with honesty and integrity towards their customers
  • Observance of all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, including product and safety regulations
  • Contractual standards that ensure a high standard of responsibility to the customer in every transaction
  • How to deal with customer complaints efficiently & reasonably to ensure that customers continue to receive good customer service
  • Appropriate insurance cover so that customers are protected
  • Dedicated client account for holding customer monies
  • RCD compliance (please note - members that have not yet built a boat are welcomed in to the BMF pending receipt of their RCD conformity)

Click here for a copy of the BMF Code of Practice