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Exclusive to BMF members

IMO Meeting Report

This was the 93rd session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) held from the 14 May 2014

Contact: Andrew Thomas
Price to BMF Members: Free

Superyacht UK Survey 2013/14

Superyacht UK has carried out its eighth annual survey for 2013/14 of its membership to determine year-on-year trends. Superyacht UK, a dedicated association of the British Marine Federation (BMF), represents 226 members and 70% of the total UK industry operating in the design, build, supply chain and service provision of yachts over 24 metres in length.

Contact: Superyacht UK
Price to BMF Members: Free
Price to Non BMF Members: Free
BMF Technical Report
Exclusive to BMF members

BMF Technical Report 110

Technical Report including manufacturing and environment updates. The British Marine Federation providing industry guidance.

Contact: BMF Technical Department
Price to BMF Members: Free
ICOMIA Recreational Boating Industry Statistics 2013
Exclusive to BMF members

ICOMIA Recreational Boating Statistics 2013

ICOMIA’s Recreational Boating Industry Statistics book is considered the industry’s foremost statistical reference document.
For almost 20-years ICOMIA has been producing its annual ‘Recreational Boating Industry Statistics Book’. Last year we decided to move production of the Statistics Book from in-house to an external design agency; dramatically transforming the Statistics Book into a visually stimulating and professional business planning tool.
Non Members can obtain this report at cost from ICOMIA -

Contact: BMF Statistics and Market Research
Price to BMF Members: Free
Safe Use of LPG Cylinders
Exclusive to BMF members

UKLPG guidance on the safe use of cylinders

UKLPG have released a new guidance sheet on the safe use of cylinders, will replace current HSE Guidelines.

Contact: BMF Technical
Price to BMF Members: Free
EU Blue Guide 2014
Exclusive to BMF members

The Blue Guide 2014

This guide is intended to contribute to a better understanding of internal market legislation on marine products

Contact: BMF Technical
Price to BMF Members: Free
Economic Benefits

Economic Benefits of the UK Marine Industry

This summary report outlines the economic contribution of all sectors of the marine industry, including manufacture, distribution, retail and other services. It complements the Economic Benefits of Boating Tourism report 2014 below which assessed tourism related sectors and expenditures through boating participation.

Contact: BMF Statistics and Market Research
Price to BMF Members: Free
Price to Non BMF Members: Free
Exclusive to BMF members

Latest BMF Marine Trends Survey November 2013 - May 2014

BMF conducts a survey bi-annually to measure current business performance and trends in the marine industry over the last six months and future expectations. The latest version of this report for the period November 2013 - May 2014 is now available to download.

Contact: BMF Statistics and Market Research
Price to BMF Members: Free
Exclusive to BMF members

ISO DIS 16315 - Small Craft - Electric propulsion system

ISO DIS Revision Draft - 16315 - Small craft — Electric propulsion system - For Member Comments

Contact: BMF Technical
Price to BMF Members: Free
Generic Word Document
Exclusive to BMF members

BMF Expert Advisory Group Comments Form

BMF Expert Advisory Group Comments Form

Contact: BMF Technical Department
Price to BMF Members: Free