'Buzzing' vibe at SMM Hamburg 2014

Published on: 02 October 2014

For the first time ever the BMF, in partnership with the Hampshire County Council and the Southampton Marine & Maritime Institute (SMMI), hosted a showcase stand at SMM Hamburg 2014, 9-12 September.

The Show attracts a global audience over 2,000 exhibitors and 50,000 visitors making it one of the world’s most important industry fairs. Therefore it offered the perfect platform to support and promote British companies, providing guidance and development into international markets.

The stand located in the UK Pavilion, Hall B1 was surrounded by British excellence and was extremely busy throughout the four days. BMF Commercial Marine, who represented the BMF on the stand, commented on a “buzzing” vibe at the Show. BMF's Senior External Relations Executive, Andrew Harries remarked: “I understand 50,000 visitors attended SMM Hamburg this year and I think about half of them visited the BMF Commercial Marine showcase stand! All the exhibitors on the stand were busy right from the start and it was great to see them all working together. There was a fantastic buzz on the stand throughout the four days, especially during the drinks reception on the Tuesday evening. The UK’s small commercial marine sector continues to go from strength to strength and SMM Hamburg proved the perfect event to highlight this to the rest of the world.”

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