Enviromental Code Of Practice Guidance

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Showing 7 articles

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Air Pollution Legislation

Last updated: 29/05/2014

See the main provisions for the control of air pollution

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Habitats and Birds Directive: The Habitats Regulations

Last updated: 27/05/2014

Find out about this directive and how it may affect you

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Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CRoW)

Last updated: 27/05/2014

Find out about this legislation and what it means for the marine industry

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Consents and Planning

Last updated: 27/05/2014

The construction and maintenance of infrastructure to support the recreational boating sector is regulated by many different organisations. Understanding the permissions required to enable development and activities to take place can be complicated with the information needed scattered between many different consenting authorities.

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Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

Last updated: 27/05/2014

Find out about this piece of legislation and how it affects you

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