Export Guidance

1. Export Guide

In association with UKTI we have created a guide specifically focused on export for growth and getting started within the industry. To download a copy simply click on the PDF document below.

Export for Growth your guide to getting started


2. How to reclaim foreign VAT

For companies operating abroad we have provided an overview of the HM Revenues & Customs process regards refunding of foreign VAT.

How to reclaim foreign VAT


3. Export Control Licences

If you are exporting products out of the UK, be it inside the EU or further afield, you need to be aware of Export Control Licences.

Export Control Licence Information

4. Market Selection Index Tool

New and experienced exporters need data on which markets to target and crucially which provide the best short term and long term prospects.  A spreadsheet tool has been developed by the International Team and Committee which covers the world’s main leisure marine markets.  A benchmark system has been used due to the inconsistent nature of available market data.  This tool is only available to Members.  You will need to log in first to download the tool

Find out more about the Market Selection Index Tool


5. Press Advice for Exhibitors

Many of our members and exhibitors have expressed an interest for more advice regards making the most out of exhibiting, so we have joined forces with one member PR company to offer a little guidance as to planning your press, marketing communications and activities

Click here to read more about Press & PR


6. The Jones Act

The Jones Act refers to a largely misunderstood law relating to maritime commerce in U.S. water and between U.S. ports.

Understanding the Jones Act


7. Incoterms® 2010

Incoterms are rules that relate to the shipping of products defined by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC.) The Incoterms rules are intended primarily to clearly communicate the tasks, costs, and risks associated with the transportation and delivery of goods, and define the responsibility between the buyer and the seller. The rules have been periodically updated and are now on the eighth version, Incoterms® 2010.

Click here for more details on Incoterms - How they work and where to use them