Planning Service

Planning Advice & Guidance

Southern Planning Practice has been supporting the BMF for a number of years providing a range of advice relating to planning applications, planning enforcement action and Local Plan development proposals.

Southern Planning GroupSouthern Planning Practice provides a range of services to the marina and property industries covering all aspects of marina design, waterfront development and future planning policy. Their services and experience cover elements from feasibility studies through to master planning, planning applications and should members need it planning enforcement.

The principals of the company have over 80 years combined experience of working within the planning sector. They have experience of the complex coastal and marine legislation regime and the associated environmental assessment process. They can coordinate multi-disciplinary specialist teams and project manage the delivery of planning applications.

The hotline service to BMF members will provide one hour of free preliminary planning advice to cover issues such as:

BMF's planning service offers:

  • General guidance on the planning system 
  • Outline of the range of planning consents and legislation that are likely to impact upon specific activities of members 
  • Consultation requirements 
  • Providing an understanding of the environmental and planning designations which can impact upon marine works and development proposals 
  • Guidance on promoting your business and site to the local planning authority 
  • Guidance on protecting your business from neighbouring development proposals and activities 

Marina & Harbour Developments

BMF members can gain access to a list of current Marina & Harbour developments currently in the planning system.

This information, which is free of charge and only available to BMF members, is updated monthly and archived below.

Marina & Harbour Developments - February 2015

Marina Planning Inspectorate Case Studies

Redhill Marina - Planning Appeal Dismissed - Green Belt - January 2015

For more information and to take advantage of this FREE service, please contact Brian Clark, Head of External Relations on 01784 223644.

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