Marine Consent Hotline

Members of the British Marine Federation can benefit from 1 hour free consultancy advice via our Dredging & Marine Works Consents Hotline provided by Marina Projects Ltd.


Marina Projects Ltd has been supporting the BMF for over 12 years, providing a range of advice relating to dredging and other marine works consents, as well as input to a full range of related legislative consultations e.g. The Marine & Coastal Access Bill.  An example of the work they have supported the BMF with directly includes the recent review of Marine Licensing – refer below for further details.

Background to Marina Projects Ltd

Marina Projects Ltd is a specialist marina and waterfront development consultancy that provides a range of services including:

  • Masterplanning
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Business Planning
  • Marina Design
  • Operational Management & Support
  • Project Management
  • Specialist Advice
  • Environmental & Legislative Advice
  • Market Analysis & Research

The principles of the company have over 100 years combined experience within the marine leisure sector.

They can provide an understanding of the environmental designations which can impact upon development proposals and ensure the integrity, of the environment in which many of their customers operate, is a key goal.

The company has considerable experience of the complex coastal and marine legislation regime and the associated environmental assessment process.  

Examples of projects where they have successfully secured the range of necessary consents include:

  • Cowes Outer Harbour Project
  • Yarmouth Harbour Redevelopment
  • Gosport Marina Dredge & Pontoon Reconfiguration

The Consent Hotline for Dredging & Marine Works

The hotline service to BMF members provides preliminary advice to cover issues such as:

  • General guidance on marine consenting issues including, but not limited to, dredging
  • Specific guidance on the new Marine Licensing regime including the newly required Water Framework Directive compliance assessments
  • Outline the range of marine consents and legislation that are likely to impact upon specific activities
  • Consultation requirements
  • Providing an understanding of the environmental designations which can impact upon marine works and/or development proposals
  • Summary of relevant environmental assessment legislation and requirements including Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA)
  • Guidance on protecting your business from neighbouring development proposals and activities

Use this link to read the Focus on Enforcement Report by the Better Regulation Executive regarding Coastal Projects and Investments

If you are a member of the BMF, click HERE to access the contact details for the hotline

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