Centenary of the British Marine Federation (1913 - 2013)

A History of the Marine Industry

This is a timeline of significant events in the marine industry over the past 100+ years...


View Key Events by Decade:

  • 1910 – 1919

  • 1920 – 1929

  • 1930 – 1939

  • 1940 – 1949

  • 1950 – 1959


  • 1960 – 1969

  • 1970 – 1979

  • 1980 – 1989

  • 1990 – 1999

  • 2000 - 2013

1910 – 1919


  • 1914 - First Aero & Motor Boat exhibition at Olympia with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). 

  • Debate in the House of Lords, won case in 1915 to allow pubic right of access over River Thames in Richmond

  • 1915 - Formation of the Scottish branch of THY&ATA

  • ‘Advertising and Propoganda’ Committee established

  • 1918 - Minimum wages for skilled woodworkers set at 1/-d per hour. Standard working week - 53 hours

  • 1919 - Association office established at Messrs maddox, Savage, Petter & Co, 28 Budge Row, London EC4

1920 – 1929

  • 1920 - Association wins concession in the Thames Conservancy Bill - giving boat owners the right to buy sectional lock passes.

  • 1921 - First joint Car and Boat Show held at White City and Olympia

  • 1922 - First London Boat Show held at the Agricultural Halls, Islington. 60 firms took part. Renamed marine and Small Craft Exhibition in 1923. Runs for 3 years.

  • Major campaign to seek amendments to Parliamentary Bill to assist boatyards

  • Collaboration between boat builders and engine manufacturers

  • Assistance with helping members recover money owed to them

  • 1928 - Association changed name to Ship & Boat Builders Association Ltd. 

1930 – 1939

  • Dealings with the Admiralty and the Ministry of Supply including Timber Control and Increases in the List of Reserved Occupations to keep boatbuilders from being conscripted

  • Legal contracts developed for the first time to improve standards, particularly for Boatbuilding trade

  • Coordinating tenders with 25 of the most prominent tendering firms

  • 1932 - Miss England III - First powerboat to break the 100mph barrier - 119.8 mph.  

1940 – 1949

  • The Federation came in to its own during the war period, central role in co-ordinating Admiralty Contracts, timber supplies and seeking to maintain adequate workforce for the boatbuilding industry

  • A Marketing campaign to highlight its members and the industry, at this time 43 yards produced around 860 boats

  • Developed boatbuilding regions to foster local networking which moved to a change in the Federation to Ship and Boatbuilders National Federation

  • 1947 - 44 hour, 5 day week accepted on Isle of Wight.  

1950 – 1959

  • 1953 - Cowes Week formalised into an 8 day regatta

  • The Federation develops a national apprenticeship scheme

  • 1954 - First boat show (owned by the Federation) organised, with major assistance from Daily Express

  • 1957 - First admiral's Cup offshore race series - Cowes.

1960 – 1969

  • 1960 - Boat Show moves to earls Court. Attendance jumps to 320,000

  • 1960 - First single-handed transatlantic race from Plymouth to New York.

  • 1961 - First Cowes - Torquay Powerboat race. 

  • The Federation ceases national wages negotiations after 57 years as an employers association

  • The Federation expands its membership to include equipment retailers and manufactures in order to help develop new business

  • First pioneering Trade Association to establish a dedicated export department and start overseas missions and overseas boat shows

  • 1965 - Francis Chichester completes solo circumnavigation.

  • 1968 - First Southampton Boat Show with an attendance of 12,000.

  • 1969 - Robin Knox-Johnston - first to sail solo non-stop around the world.

1970 – 1979

  • 1972 - Chay Blyth - first solo circumnavigator to sail non-stop around the the prevailing winds and currents.

  • Successful Campaign to overturn imposition of 25% Value Added Tax on Boats and boating equipment with lobby including a floating petition protest at Westminster 

  • The Federation developed Cross-Party Political Lobby and retained a Political Adviser.

  • 1973/4 - First Whitbread around the world race.

  • 1976 - Federation moves offices to Weybridge in Surrey.

  • 1978 - Naomi James - first woman to sail non-stop around the world.

1980 – 1989

  • 1982/3 - First BOC solo round the world race.

  • The Federation purchased, in 1982, the Southampton International Boat Show. The first Show run by the Federation was in 1983 which was extended from six to nine days and helped the Industry recover from a Recession. 

  • 1986 - The Federation becomes the British Marine Industries Federation with boatbuilders being joined by equipment manufacturers.

  • Working with The Institute of Marketing, to try to counter the effects of the VAT and the downturn in business, the Federation developed a major Marketing Initiative “ GET AFLOAT - GET A BOAT” 

  • The Federation trustees were established to administer a build-up of reserved funds which allowed the Federation to carry on it's activities and support the trade.

1990 – 1999

  • 1991 - BMIF moves offices to Meadlake Place, Egham, Surrey.

  • Advise on preparing for the opening of the trade barriers within the EEC, including lobbying in Brussels

  • 1992/3 - First British Steel challenge amateur round the world race (later named BT Global Challenge)

  • 1996 /7 - First Clipper Round the World race.

  • Significant work started on the RCD in 98, which the Federation still works on today

  • Environmental matters became an increasing concern for members and Federation develops award winning ‘Environment Code of Practice’ and campaign ‘Navigate with Nature Initiative’

  • 1998 - Cale & Wireless set record circumnavigation under power.

2000 – 2013

  • The Federation runs major foot and mouth recovery campaign to ensure the inland waterways were opened to the public ASAP

  • Last Earls Court Boat Show held before moving to ExCeL in 2004 attracting over 215,000 visitors

  • 2008 - BMIF becomes the British Marine Federation

  • BMF lobby hard, with the RYA, on the derogation of red diesel. Resulting in a simple framework for implementation

  • One of the biggest promotions in the marine industry, Splash Camp, a TV programme was aired on ITV, significantly funded by the BMF

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