Kieran Martin

Kieran Martin

Date of birth:
07 February 1995
Star sign:
Place of Birth:
Darley dale
Current Hometown:
Race class:
RSX (Men)
First boat sailed and where?
Calipso at Carsington Water

Who got you into sailing?
My brother decided to do it and I followed in his footsteps

Favourite boat?

Biggest influence in your career to date?
Mum for driving me to every event and pushing me to do better

Your worst moment in sailing?
First winter training was the worst when I was learning. I spent more time in the water!

Your best moment in sailing?
Winning the 2013 ISAF Youth Sailing World Championships in Cyprus.

Best sailing venue in the UK?
Carsington Water!

Best sailing venue in the World?

Most annoying rule in the sailing rule book?
Port starboard

If you weren’t a professional sailor what else would you be?
I would be a surfing bum who lives in a shed

How do you progress from a club sailor to an Olympic class sailor?
Hard work and a good plan of knowing what to do

What are your greatest passions outside of sailing?

Do you follow any other sports?
Vaguely - I follow rugby

Has injury ever prevented you from sailing?
No, I have never been injured properly touch wood

Most expensive sailing accident?
Head on collision where I cracked the front of the board

Any heroes?

What other sports do you play?
None - Unless surfing is a sport!?

What football club do you support?
Stoke city!!

Worst habit?
Bad time keeping

What’s your greatest fear or phobia?
Very high heights

What would you love to do but never have the time or money for it?
Bungee jumping / sky diving

Do you have any lucky charms or rituals?
Lucky duck!!

If you had a theme song what would it be?
Sticks n stones by Jamie T

Name 3 things that are always in your shopping trolley?
Chocolate. Bacon. Eggs

What was the last book you read?
How to look good naked - Gok Wan

Dream holiday?
Surfing, windsurfing in warm and wavy conditions – Perfection!

Date Event Class Position
Apr 17 Trofeo Princesa Sofía RSX (Men) 6
Jan 17 Sailing World Cup Miami RSX (Men) 8
Jul 16 RS:X European Championships RSX (Men) 2
Jun 16 Sailing World Cup Weymouth & Portland RSX (Men) 12
Apr 16 Sailing World Cup Hyeres RSX (Men) 12
Mar 16 Trofeo Princesa Sofía RSX (Men) 12
Feb 16 RS:X World Championship RSX (Men) 14
Jan 16 Sailing World Cup Miami RSX (Men) 15
Oct 15 RS:X World Championship RSX (Men) 17
Jun 15 RS:X European Championships RSX (Men) 42
Apr 15 Princess Sofia Trophy RSX (Men) 25
Sep 14 ISAF Sailing World Championships RSX (Men) 45
Jun 14 Sail for Gold Regatta RSX (Men) 7
Jun 14 RS:X European & Youth European Championship RSX (Men) 49
Apr 14 ISAF Sailing World Cup Hyeres RSX (Men) 45
Mar 14 ISAF Sailing World Cup Mallorca RSX (Men) 31
Oct 13 Semaine Olympique Francaise RSX (Men) 26
Jul 13 Sail First ISAF Youth Sailing World Championship RSX (Men) 1
Apr 13 ISAF Sailing World Cup Hyeres RSX (Men) 26
Oct 12 RS:X Youth World Championships RSX (Men) 2
Jul 12 FSP ISAF Youth Sailing World Championship RSX (Men) 9
Oct 11 RS:X Youth World Championships RSX (Men) 30

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