Promoted Tweets

Make your Tweets travel further with advanced targeting and tools. 

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Deliver your Tweets to targeted audiences.

Promoted Tweets are similar to organic Tweets. They can be retweeted, replied to and favorited. Promoted Tweets can include links to websites, hashtags and rich media. Here are the key ways they differ from organic Tweets:

  1. Promoted Tweets gain wider distribution than organic Tweets, and you only pay when someone engages with them.
  2. You can target Promoted Tweets to non-followers by gender, geography, language device, interests, keywords, tailored audiences or those who tweet or engage with selected keywords. TV targeting is also an option. Organic Tweets cannot be targeted.
  3. You can promote Tweets that were published organically or create Promoted Tweets that aren’t published to all of your followers first. You can also have Promoted Tweets that skip your brand’s timeline altogether—these Tweets don’t go out to followers and are only seen by the audiences you select to target.
  4. Promoted Tweets are clearly identified as promoted. Only one Promoted Tweet will appear in a user’s timeline at any given time.

Promoted Tweets can appear in:
  • Home Timelines
  • At the top of relevant search results
  • Search results for Promoted Trends
  • On Twitter’s official desktop and mobile clients like TweetDeck, Twitter for iPhone and Twitter for Android, among others.
  • Syndicated to some third-party Twitter clients like HootSuite.

Targeting: You’ve got options.

Promoted Tweets allow you to use our targeting capabilities to deliver Tweets to specific users and during specific moments.

Target by keywords in Tweets and in search.

Tweets send important signals about what users are experiencing in the moment – their thoughts, feelings, wants and needs. Reach users at the right moment, in the right context, by targeting keywords in timeline and search.

Image of keyword targeting in timeline


Target by interests and gender.

We know where to find the guys, gals, fashionistas, gamers, foodies, activists, and whoever else you might want to reach.

Target by location and language.

Going local? Entering a new market? Target by country or metro area as well as language to connect with the right people.

Target by device.

Target specific mobile or desktop devices to catch up with people on-the-go or from the comfort of their living rooms.

Target by similarity to existing followers.

Your followers already love you. We’ll help you find more just like them.

Even more targeting options: Tailored audiences, TV ad targeting and TV conversation targeting.

More about targeting

Easily track your progress with analytics.

Twitter Ads offers great tools to help you analyze your Twitter activity, from followers to engagement.

More about analytics