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Photograph of RNLI lifeboat in action - image copyright © RNLI
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New apprenticeship for marinas and boatyards

MYBA joins the MSA as our 16th member

The Border Force becomes our 15th member

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Members Only

MSA Members

Border Force

British Marine Federation

British Tugowners Association

Company of Watermen and Lightermen

International Jack Up Barge Owners' Association

International Association of Maritime Institutions

Maritime and Coastguard Agency

Marine Society and Sea Cadets

Merchant Navy Training Board

MYBA The Worldwide Yachting Association

National Workboat Association

Port Skills and Safety

Royal National Lifeboat Institution

Royal Navy

Royal Yachting Association

Sea Fish Industry Authority


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The Maritime Skills Alliance sets and promotes skills standards for the UK’s maritime sector. Much of our work so far has been devoted to developing a suite of interlocking standards and qualifications which enable employees to progress both within their specialism and between sectors.

You can find a complete and regularly updated list of all our Units and Qualifications here. The link in the SQA panel to the right is the best way to get access to detail on each of the qualifications. For Units, see the Publications page.

Our principal functions are to:

  • develop common training and qualifications frameworks, including apprenticeships
  • maintain a suite of National Occupational Standards
  • secure a good range of high quality education and training provision
  • undertake assessments of the maritime labour market and emerging skill needs
  • represent the maritime sector and champion its skills needs at appropriate forums
  • raise the profile and perception of the maritime sector through Sea Vision and other joint initiatives
  • develop effective working relationships with the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, relevant Government departments and agencies across the UK, Sector Skills Councils and others
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Newsletter Signup

MSA Qualifications

We work extensively with SQA, the Scottish Qualifications Authority, for all qualifications throughout the UK.

You can find comprehensive information on all the Maritime Studies Qualifications here.


Seafish tender: Training Needs Analysis in Northern Ireland

Seafish is tendering a contract to conduct an analysis of the training needs of the Northern Ireland seafood industry (both seagoing and onshore). Closing date 12 September.

Full details here.

Contact us

Iain Mackinnon
Secretary to the Alliance
0208 99 88 77 2
0771 424 6740


Copyright MSA © 2010

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