Synoptic Charts

Satellite images


World Weather Weather online Wind
1 - 6 day pressure charts EuroWeather Waves
Ocean Weather Metoffice Sea temp
Surface pressure charts   Tides
Grib files expalined, weather links, really useful site

Our feedback is: Simple and pretty accurate
The title says it all : "Beautiful Weather Graphs and Maps"
Tells you how many clothes to out on before you leave for work, or whether you should carry an umbrella when you go grocery shopping
A favourite in terms of getting very local to where you are. Check out discussions on this site from forecasters too.
Most sites get their info from NOAA so why not go direct to the BIG Daddy themselves.
We like the long range weather here, even if the wind is a bit less detailed 
Boatshed recommends
The paid for App is also a great resource that we have tested in anger :)
Some popular boating favourites:
USA If you want to Pay for your content and getter better info;

Weather videos to look at: