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23 June 2003, 02:04 pm
Racing Starts Today
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Training © Thornton

US Youth Championship
Milwaukee Yacht Club

Racing in the 2003 US Youth Championships is due to get underway for real today after a two day racing clinic for all competitors. 200 sailors are waiting to get the competitive racing underway.
The Olympic Sailing Committee sponsored the two-day advanced racing clinic, which precedes the Championship. US SAILING's Olympic Development Coach Brian DOYLE headed the clinic. Other coaches included Gary BODIE, Adam WERBLOW, Bern NOACK three-time US Youth Champion and 2002 ISAF World Youth Champion Andrew CAMPBELL, Nathaniel STOFFELSMA (Sydney, BC), Pete LEVESQUE, and Howard CROMWELL. As a whole, the group of eight coaches has 71 years of college coaching experience, has won 30 national and North American sailing titles and three world championships.

In spite of higher temperatures yesterday, the sea breeze was late and never really filled in. Sailors were on shore until well after noon. Veteran clinic instructor Adam WERBLOW led the morning session with a talk on how to learn/how to become a better sailor.

Two-time Laser National Champion Nathaniel STOFFELSMA followed with a sportsmanship talk. When the fleets finally headed out, they had to chase what breeze there was far out into the lake. Courses were set for both fleets but the breeze died before racing could get started. On the Laser coach boat, Kyle Kovacs whipped Coach Stoffelsma in the pull-up contest.
Back on shore, the makeshift boat ramp (built specifically for this event) underwent a third renovation to stabilize it. With 90 boats going up and down each day, it gets a lot of use. Ramp engineers Rob Hammill and Bob Kraus assure us that it will hold up through the week.

The sailors returned to shore early yesterday afternoon, giving them time to relax and make final preparations before the competition began today. Regatta Chair John STRASSMAN ran the competitor's meeting at 6 p.m. He introduced John ARCHIBALD who heads up the race committee team, and Dean CADY who heads the jury.

After the Competitor's Meeting, the sailors had a night off to spend with their host families. The warning signal for the first race of the 11-race series is schedule for 11 a.m. today.
Event Media (As Amended by ISAF News Editor)
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