
Reasons to Visit the Show

Browsing online for brands and companies is one way to view boats and products, but there is no substitute for getting up close and personal and seeing them ‘in the flesh’ at the Show.

10 Top reasons why you can't afford to miss the show!  
It's on the water!

It's on the water!
The UK's largest purpose-built
Show marina in the late summer
sunshine. What more could you
ask for? More...

Boats, boats and more boats   Things happen   You don't get to

Boats, boats and
more boats

There are 100s of boats and craft to see (new, old, and bargains), so you're spoilt for choice! More...


Things happen at the Show that don't happen anywhere else – boating celebrities, money-can't buy events and unique features to name a few. More...


You don't get to walk on a boat when you're online! There's nothing like the real thing.

Expand your horizons   It'll change your mind   Meet and greet.

Expand your horizons
Check out products and craft you wouldn't normally search for. Who knows where it will lead? More...


It'll change your mind!
Stats show that a high percentage of visitors intending to buy a certain product pre-Show, changed their mind and chose another when they visited the Show.


Meet and greet
Meet the exhibitors in person. You get to ask questions, seek advice and find out about what's in the pipeline.

Sharing   Your local supplier   Give it a go!

The Show is a great place to meet like-minded people who share your passion!


Your local supplier
can't provide everything. The Show is a massive showcase of the country's latest and greatest products.


Give it a go!
There are loads of opportunities to try out products, learn and get out on the water, including Try a Boat, Get Afloat, RYA Active Marina experience and Try a Dive. More...
