Molly Howell in action (and smiling) at the 21014 Techno Worlds

Sports Achiever Award for Windsurfer 

A 15 year old Windsurfer received a top accolade from her local council, Rochdale, in front of an audience of 130 this week.

This Link4Life annual event recognises the achievements during the past year of the many people actively involved in supporting or taking part in sport in the borough.

Molly Howell's award followed a nomintation from  Nathan Scarll at Hollingworth Lake Water Activity Centre

Molly has won all of her Team 15 events that she has entered (Molly races for Hollingworth in the North West and Pugneys in the North East.) She has been on the RYA zone squad and is on the list for possible selection to the national squad for next season.

Molly races in the UKWA events all year round and this year has started to get in the top five ladies at the events. She has recently returned from the Techno class world championships and although still only 15 Molly came 57th out of 73 competitors in the under-17 girls section, posting two 40th place finishes.

Molly attends all of the Activity Club training sessions on a regular basis only missing them if she is competing, she also has started to attend our coaches development days at the Team 15 Academy although she is not a coach yet due to age restrictions.

Molly has also joined a local gym in order to improve on her fitness and is currently training with Harriette Ellis (who won the longboard worlds in 2011) in the gym and on the water.

She has been the windsurfing captain for the Activity Club at Hollingworth Lake and has organized fundraising activities in order to help younger children be able to attend Team 15 races.

"She has also helped to organize all of the Activity Club events. Molly is an assistant instructor, is always helping the new windsurfers who join and does this well," says Nathan.

"She is totally committed to her sport and is always smiling when taking part. Although Molly likes to win, she is gracious in defeat and will then do all she can to improve in the future.

"Molly has been an amazing role model to not only the children on the sessions but also to the Activity Club itself and all of the instructors who also enjoy learning from Molly as she makes windsurfing look so easy." 

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Article Published: September 19, 2014 14:45


Tagged with: Windsurfing

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