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Welcome to RYA Southern Region, incorporating all RYA affiliated clubs and organisations in Hampshire, South-East Dorset, the Isle of Wight and Chichester Harbour.

The Southern Region is managed through the Regional Committee, its members being representatives of area associations and individuals with specialist skills or interests.

The RYA Southern Region incorporates all RYA Affiliated Clubs and Organisations in Hampshire, South East Dorset, the Isle of Wight, and Chichester Harbour, plus a few London based and Sevices Clubs whose sailing base is in the Southern Region, approx. 160 in total. The Region is run by a volunteer committee consisting of representatives from the major sailing organisations in the Region, together with a RYA Sailability Co-ordinator, and the Regional Cruising Committee members.

The Region also has its own Training Panel consisting of volunteers appointed by HQ at Hamble. The Region is represented nationally by the Regional Chairman who serves on RYA Council, and is elected by the Clubs in the Region, also by a representative on the RYA Cruising Committee, this person is in turn co-opted as a member of the Regional Committee. The full Committee normally meet three times during the year.

The Regional AGM is held in late September/early October, just prior to the RYA AGM. At the AGM each Regionally Affiliated Club is entitled to send one voting representative. RYA Personal Members, and members of affiliated clubs and organisations are also welcomed at the AGM, although they are not entitled to a vote. Every affiliated club receives 28 days notice of the AGM, with a full Agenda, Chairman's Annual Report, together with a copy of the Regional Accounts.

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New Sailing Development Officer for the South
New Sailing Development Officer for the South
Hannah Cockle has just joined the RYA as the new Sailing Development Officer for Hampshire, East Dorset and the Isle of Wight.
OnBoard Pico Open attracts 54 young sailors
OnBoard Pico Open attracts 54 young sailors
Fluky conditions in Southampton Water added a dimension to the challenge of the spectacular OnBoard Pico Open held on Sunday 29th June where 54 young sailors took to the water at Southampton Solent University...
Dozens of school children from around Dorset will be going head to head to see which school will be crowned king of the waves as part of The Dorset School Games this Week.

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