Select a page location

You can change the location of a page within the hierarchy of your site either when you create the page or after it has been created.

Selecting location when creating a page

To create a new page and select its location:

  1. From your homepage, click the New page icon.
  2. Choose where to locate your page within your site:
    • Put page at the top level: Top-level pages are the most general in your site's hierarchy. They exist at the same level as your homepage, and it's easy to create subpages beneath them. They are best for main categories of your site's content.
    • Put page under {current page}: The second option is to place your new page as a subpage of the page you were on when you clicked "New page."
    • Choose a different location: Select the page that you want this page appear under, then click Select.
  3. Click Create page.

Selecting location after a page has been created
  1. Navigate to the page that you want to move.
  2. From the More drop-down menu, click Move page.
  3. Select the page where you want this page appear under.
  4. Click "Move."