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BAE Systems

BAE Systems Detica - MSS

Changing the face of managed security services

In today's global, hyper-connected world, risks are changing. Information is ever more critical to spark innovation, build competitive advantage and inspire growth. But this same information is highly valued and is being targeted by others.

The cyber risk

Detica - Cyber Risk
Detica - Cyber Risk

The increasing use of IT and electronic systems in organisations decisions, communication and financial transactions has brought efficiency to business but also an opportunity for criminals to exploit. There is a continued rise in cyber security incidents which can threaten to severely disrupt organisations and government entities operations, profitability, proprietary information and survival. They have to constantly strive to monitor and identify all threats and adapt in a way that allows them to respond before their most valuable information is lost or damage is done within their networks.

One of the greatest challenges that managed security service provider’s (MSSP’s) face is that as technology and IT evolves, so the complexity and nature of threats adapt. As new threats emerge it is very difficult for MSSPs to ensure total security.

Innovative managed security services

Frost & Sullivan 2012 Award
Frost & Sullivan 2012 Award

But there is a different way. BAE Systems Detica have won Frost & Sullivan’s 2012 Global Best Practices Award for Managed Security Services – Customer Value Enhancement. There are three key factors that have driven success for BAE Systems Detica in the Managed Security Services Market: our managed security service offering; our customer value and our competitive strengths.

Our managed security service offering

Detica Treidan Overview

BAE Systems Detica has developed a very powerful and unique managed security service product, Detica Treidan, to provide customers with the highest levels of security against cyber attacks. The company differs from other MSSPs by its use of the Detica Treidan technology, which is not an end point security solution and does not rely on rules or known malware signatures. Rather than seeking to identify the tools used by attackers, we detect the manner in which an attack is conducted. This behaviour is much more difficult for the attacker to change and consequently it enables Detica to continue to detect attackers as they change their tools to evade other security detection techniques.

Customer value

Detica Overview Animation
GCHQ Accredited Cyber Incident Response Providers
GCHQ Accredited Cyber Incident Response Providers

Constantly emerging threats that increase in complexity continue to cause problems to organisations. BAE Systems Detica leverages its technology background to continue to develop new solutions to protect their customers from new challenges.

We are in a strong position to draw on our strong consulting and technology background to provide a full ‘end to end’ managed security service solution. This includes initial cyber risk assessments and vulnerability analyses with a client organisation, monitoring and protecting their networks and IT services to providing a certified response service if an attack is successful.

Competitive strengths

BAE Systems Detica - Prepare

One of the key ways that we differentiate ourselves is in providing an initial cyber risk assessment of client organisations. Rather than taking the traditional route of assessing which services and products a client organisation requires to protect their network, we assess the breakdown by threat. By applying our deep industry and consulting expertise we develop a detailed cyber risk profile that defines the greatest threats to the client and their business goals. This could be non-targeted threats and malware, targeted threats, or areas that require greater security such as industrial control systems. Following this assessment, Detica can then tailor the best service or solution to ensure the highest levels of network security for the client.

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