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BAE Systems
Meeting high ethical standards

Code of Conduct and Key Policies

Our global Code of Conduct is a clear statement of what we stand for and how we do business. It sets out the standards of business conduct we expect all our employees to live up to in everything they do, whatever their role, wherever they operate.


Code of Conduct

Our Code includes practical guidance and examples to help employees deal with important ethical issues and is issued to all employees through a briefing session with their line manager. We regularly benchmark our Code of Conduct against other global companies to ensure it continues to meet best practice.

Responsible trading principles

Together with our Code of Conduct, we also have four Responsible Trading Principles that underpin all of our business activity. They are:

  • We understand and support our customers’ national security and other requirements
  • We assess carefully our products and services with the objective that neither BAE Systems nor our customers are exposed to significant reputational risk
  • We work to BAE Systems’ Values in all that we do
  • We are as open as practicable about the nature of our business.

See more on how the principles are put into practice

Key Policies

Detailed policies on specific issues support the implementation of our Code of Conduct and Responsible Trading Principles. The right hand links on this page (summaries of key policies) outline the key points of our policies related to business conduct.


Code of Conduct

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