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  • Students Research
  • Zoo or Aquarium
  • BIAZA Membership
  • Corporate Membership


BIAZA is the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums. We are the professional body representing the best zoos and aquariums in Britain and Ireland. 

We have over 100 zoo and aquarium members who pride themselves on their excellent animal welfare, education and conservation work. BIAZA leads and supports its members and helps promote the work of good zoos and aquariums.


BIAZA's Top Ten List of Reptiles and Amphibians Benefitting from the Help of Zoos

TV presenter and naturalist, Nick Baker is supporting the Top Ten campaign this year to raise awareness of these species and the work zoos are doing in their aid.  Nick says: “Zoos and aquariums have a very important role in this whole thing … at the scariest level they are the ark. They are where the insurance populations of these animals can be looked after and understood and studied. As much as BIAZA are very important in holding the ark population, they are also very important in being that interface between these animals and the public. The problem with these animals is also they are not furry; they do not have an instant appeal to the masses. As a consequence they can get forgotten. The reality is when the zoos show them to the world you are reaching people and spreading that word and getting people to appreciate what these animals are about. What the zoo is doing is taking that money (the pennies the people have spent to enter the zoo in the first place) and applying it directly to try and give these creatures a happy end.”

Read the full report HERE


Marketing & Education Conference                                    

The meeting will
be held 
from November 18-20 at Fota Wildlife Park.     

Click here for all events

   BIAZA Buy an Acre Campaign 

Thanks to our members we
have so far raised more than £9,000
to secure 90 acres of
habitat in the Sierra
Gorda Reserve in Mexico

  Click here for all news


BIAZA News: Summer Edition

30 years of Drusillas
Shepreth's hedgehog hospital
The return of the bison
Five Sisters rises
from the ashes



   National Aquarium Conference 2014

   Book now for this year's NAC hosted by National
   Museums Liverpool!

   Read all about it here 
(Password: biaza)




Watch the video below to learn more about zoos and conservation!


The IUCN Red List 'Amazing Species'

The IUCN Red List ‘Amazing Species' is a comprehensive inventory of the global conservation status of species.  It was launched to increase awareness of the enormous variety of life on our planet, and raise the profile of threatened species. Click on the photograph to learn more about this amazing species.

BIAZA is a member of the IUCN and supports its aim of working together to conserve nature.

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T +44 (0) 20 7449 6599
E admin@biaza.org.uk

One of the world’s rarest frogs, bred as part of an international project to save the species from extinction, has been successfully returned to its Caribbean home ahead of the global day to highlight the plight of their species.


The Avon Invasive Weeds Forum (AIWF) has been granted over £13,000 through SITA Trust - following an application submitted by the Bristol Zoological Society - to control invasive weeds within the River Avon, which threaten both plant and animal species.


Earlier on this year, the animal keepers at Africa Alive! put a lot of time and effort into re- furbishing the flamingo’s nest site, to encourage the birds to breed and we are delighted to announce that all their hard work paid off, with the successful rearing of three chicks.


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