Get started with Hangouts
Meet face to face over video chat with up to 15 people from any location—on your phone, laptop, or tablet. No special software or extra equipment is required!
Setup for administrators
Follow these steps to set up Hangouts for your team.
Learning resources for your team
Help you team learn to start video meetings, share screens, and more. Visit the Learning Center.
What you can do with Hangouts

Video chat with remote teammates and clients

Break down barriers between far-flung sites and offices with easy video meetings. Share your screen to demo projects or get work done on the spot.

Join meetings from anywhere

Video meetings are easy to set up and schedule. Join a meeting from wherever you're working now—a Gmail message, Calendar event, or even your Google+ page.

Broadcast a public demo or announcement

Hold a public Hangout On Air to demo a new product or make an announcement. Your video will be broadcast live and saved to YouTube.