Resources for
training your users

Keep users informed about your switch to Google Apps via communication, training, and support. Use our library of user guides, videos, support sites, and communication templates.
Communicate with users before the switch

Use our communications templates and inspirational video to help users understand the benefits of Google Apps before the switch and get them excited about the change.

Going Google video

You Tube | Shared Google doc

Introduce users to Google Apps with this upbeat video. To customize, download source files (requires Adobe After Affects). Also included at the Customizable learning center.

Email & poster templates

Email, intranet posting, and poster templates to announce the switch to Google Apps and keep users up-to-date.

Change management guides

Get help planning and executing communications, training, and support for your users.

Google icons & logos

Spruce up your communications and training materials with these visual elements.

Train users at launch

When you launch Google Apps in your organization, send users to our public learning center, or build your own training site using our pre-built Sites template or library of training resources.

User learning center

Point your users to this site, which includes quickstart guides, videos, FAQs, tips & tricks guides, and more.

Customizable learning center

Or use our Google Sites template to customize the Learning Center for your organization and host it in your own domain.

Localized resources

Users speak a language other than English? Help them to find localized resources and product interfaces..

Accessibility resources

Users with screenreaders or low vision? Help them find accessibilty resources to make Apps work for their needs.