Boxers benefit from eye checksEIS & GSK form new research partnershipGreatest demand for Paralympic support yet

Greatest demand for Paralympic support yet

Almost two years on from the success of the London 2012 Paralympic Games and with August 30th marking National Paralympic Day, speaks with Nik Diaper, Head of Paralympic Sport Science & Medicine at the EIS, to discuss how things have progressed in the past two years...


The science behind tapering

The science behind tapering 

Tapering – the practice of reducing training load in the lead up to competition – is widely accepted as being beneficial to producing optimal performance. But it can be a tricky balance to strike, especially when training for three sports, as triathletes do…


Nick MatthewSystem recognises importance of support

System recognises importance of support

The mental health and wellbeing of athletes is an important issue and the responsibility of everyone involved in the high performance system, according to English Institute of Sport (EIS) Head of Performance Psychology Pete Lindsay…


Boxers benefit from eye checksEIS & GSK form new research partnershipExpression of Interest from academic partners

Expression of Interest from academic partners

The EIS would like to invite expressions of interest from academic partners who have relevant expertise and are keen to be involved with research that will impact on elite athlete preparation, performance and the high performance industry....


EIS Media Centre

EIS Media Centre

The English Institute of Sport (EIS) has representatives, sport scientists and medical experts available for media opportunities and to comment on their area of expertise.

Please visit our Media Centre for further information...


Commonwealth Games Support


Sport: Boxing
EIS Performance Lead Contact: Calvin Morriss
EIS Operational Lead: Peter Elliott
Performance Director: Rob McCracken
2014/15 annual spend: £431,922

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Hockey
EIS Performance Lead Contact: Diccon Edwards
EIS Operational Lead: Jean Watson
Performance Director: Danny Kerry
2014/15 annual spend: £452,569

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Netball
EIS Operational Lead: Di Benham
Performance Director: Anna Mayes
2014/15 annual spend: £249,935

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Gymnastics
Head of Sport Science & Medicine: Lou Fawcett
Head of Performance Sport: Roy Headey
EIS Operational Lead: Jo Benham
EIS Performance Lead Contact: Mark Jarvis

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Squash
EIS Lead Sport Contact: Diccon Edwards
National Coach:
Chris Robertson
2014/15 annual spend: £167,245

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Weightlifting
EIS Lead Sport Contact: Mark Jarvis
Performance Director: Tommy Yule
2014/15 annual spend: £63,440

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Triathlon
EIS Performance Lead Contact: Simon Jones
EIS Operational Lead: Emma Sharpe
Performance Director: Brendan Purcell
2014/15 annual spend: £231,552

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Badminton
EIS Performance Lead Contact: Diccon Edwards
Performance Director: Vacant
2014/15 annual spend: £288,000

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Judo
EIS Performance Lead Contact: Mark Jarvis
EIS Operational Lead: Emma Sharpe
Performance Director: Nigel Donohue
2014/15 annual spend: £105,247

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Athletics
EIS Performance Lead Contact: Raph Brandon
Performance Director: Neil Black
2014/15 annual spend: £323,208 (combined programme)

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Swimming
EIS Lead Sport Contact: Simon Jones 
Performance Director: Chris Spice
2014/15 annual spend: £315,559

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Diving
EIS Performance Lead Contact: Diccon Edwards
EIS Operational Lead: Claire Hague
Performance Director: Alexei Evangulov
2014/15 annual spend: £87,042

Team England selected athletes

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Sport: Cycling
EIS Performance Lead Contact: Calvin Morriss
EIS Operational Lead: Peter Elliott
Programmes Director: Andy Harrison

Team England selected athletes

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EIS Performance Analyst Claire Bridgman gives the lowdown on her role working with British Gymnastics...

Video listing



Following last year’s successful inaugural Skills4performance workshop, we are pleased to announce the EIS will host two courses in 2014 covering eight practitioner disciplines...