Advanced Channel Settings

A number of advanced settings that used to be managed in different locations have all been consolidated to be managed on the ‘Settings’ page of your YouTube account.

Getting There: Login to your YouTube account > Click on your Channel Icon or username in the top right corner of the page to expand a menu > Select “Settings” > Click “Advanced” under the Channel Settings menu

Associated Website

Channel owners may associate their official website with their YouTube Channel.

Doing so has a number of benefits, including incorporation of additional signals into YouTube’s search algorithm based on the associated website’s page rank on

To associate a website, you must enter it in the ‘Associated Website’ field and click ‘Add.’ Then, you must confirm the association via your Google Webmaster Tools. For more information, please review this article from the Google Webmaster Central blog.

Redirect URL

This feature allows a Channel’s shortened URL to redirect to another URL, e.g. can be redirected to

Conditional Redirections

This feature allows you to redirect users who are visiting your Channel to another Channel based on their language, location, age, or gender. PLEASE NOTE that conditional redirects are only available to partners and advertisers that have had this feature enabled by their respective partner manager or sales representative.

Language and location are specified by full or partial locales (en_us, en_, or _us). Ages are specified by a comparison (<, <=, >, >=) and number. Gender is specified with 'm' or 'f'. And destination is either a Channel name, or '_block'. Users that match the '_block' destination will be redirected to /Channels. Each row is a rule, rules are matched top to bottom, the first matched rule applies. Please see the chart below for examples of these redirects.
Redirect lines Redirect result
en_,Channelname Keep all English speakers on this Channel
,Channelname Keep all users on this Channel
_us,<21,_block Block all users who are under 21 in the united states from visiting this Channel
Keep women 21 years old or more in the US on this Channel, block all others

Tracking Image URL

The tracking Image URL feature allows Channel owners to collect statistics on views of their Channel. See here for a list of approved vendors under “Research Study Vendors (Performance/Analytics Tracking)”.

An example of a tracking URL is:

Please Note: if a Channel owner wishes to employ a remarketing pixel, they can only use the AdWords Remarketing pixel.