Ready for the hottest event of the summer?

Open Web Camp Vi sizzles with fantastic speakers leading a wide range of topic sessions from every aspect of the Open Web Platform and beyond!

Open Web Camp VI

collage_finalWhether you’re looking to know more about HTML5, CSS3, Web Accessibility, Responsive Web Design and Mobile Technology topics, or are interested in networking with peers in an open, celebratory day, Open Web Camp is sure to set your passions afire.

Scheduled for Saturday, July 12th at the PayPal Town Hall in the heart of sunny Silicon Valley, registration for this unique and inspiring event opens on June 20th, 2014.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Featured Speakers

Photo: 'Chaals' McCathieNevile

Chaals McCathieNeville

‘Chaals’ McCathieNevile is a web technology expert interested in Applications, Accessibility, and what ubiquitous Web technology can do for the world and for individuals. Deeply involved in web standards, he is active in numerous W3C Working Groups, as well as the current Chief Standards Officer for Yandex, the Russian search engine giant.

Photo: Derek Featherstone

Derek Featherstone

Derek is an internationally recognized speaker and entrepreneur. An authority on accessibility and interaction design, he is the founder and team lead of Simply Accessible, a user experience design agency based in Ottawa, Ontario.

Derek always puts the user first. He strives to make the web a better place by designing interactions that are easy to use for everyone, including people with disabilities. Derek’s ideal user experience combines deeply engaging content with brilliant design and technical excellence. That user-centred focus sets the course for Simply Accessible, and, more importantly, their clients.

Photo: Dirk Ginader

Dirk Ginader

In the rough early days of the world wide web Dirk Ginader changed his passion to his profession and started building websites for a large advertising agency in Germany. After nine years the Web standards and accessibility enthusiast answered Yahoo’s call to join their Frontend Team and the Accessibility Task Force in London. Two years later he moved to Yahoo’s headquarters into the heart of the Silicon Valley. Dirk is currently a Senior User Experience Prototyper at Google, where he works on the Analytics Team.


Katie Haritos-Shea

Katie is fascinated with science and emerging technologies and their potential to improve the lives of all, particularly person with disabilities, the under-served, and the elderly.

Currently she is Senior Accessibility SME and Standards QA Architect at JP Morgan Chase where she is helping to stand up an enterprise Accessibility QA Program. As a SME in US Section 508 and international IT/ICT accessibility standards, she is actively involved in W3C technical standard working groups as an Invited Expert since 2000 (WCAG, IndieUI, PING).

Katie lives in northern Virginia where she loves riding motorcycles and horses whenever she gets the chance.

Photo: Dylan Wilbanks

Dylan Wilbanks

Dylan Wilbanks is a web roustabout, raconteur, and curmudgeon currently practicing as a user experience designer in Seattle. He’s spent over 15 years designing, building, and perfecting online experiences, and every once in a while does a good job. Occasionally, he speaks at conferences like SXSW and Webvisions.

Photo: Karl Groves

Karl Groves

With nearly a decade of professional experience in web design/ development and over 6 years experience doing usability and accessibility consulting for some of the largest E-commerce & software companies in the world, as well as some of the largest US Federal agencies, Karl comes to the table with the knowledge and experience necessary to handle everything from consultation, to remediation and training, and more. Karl is an innovator and an advocate in the web accessibility community. An experienced presenter, Karl makes complex technical development pragmatic and easy to grasp.

Photo: Benoit Marchand

Benoit Marchant

Benoit Marchant is the CEO and Co-Founder of Montage Studio  He is an experienced software engineer who has been bringing native-class user experience to web applications at both Apple and Motorola. Inspired by the design and philosophy of native platforms, Benoit and his team paired the sophisticated open-source MontageJS HTML5 Framework with a cloud-based interactive authoring environment. This true web-native universal SDK enables web designers and developers to craft HTML5 experiences that seamlessly blend 2D and 3D content and exceed user expectations.

Photo: Jakob Heuser

Jakob Heuser

If you’re looking at or its mobile site, chances are you’re seeing Jakob Heuser’s work. He is the site’s principal web and user interface developer – a job he describes as banging on the keyboard and making things shiny.

Photo: Oswald Campesato

Oswald Campesato

Oswald is passionate about education: a former PhD Candidate in Mathematics (ABD), with 4 Masters/Bachelors degrees. Previously he worked in South America, Italy, and the French Riviera, and he traveled to 70 countries throughout the world. He has worked from C/C++/Java developer to CTO, currently in a stealth start-up. He’s comfortable in 4 languages and trying to learn Japanese. He enjoys technology, and he’s working on his 13th book, which is his 4th HTML-related book.

Photo: Meadhbh Hamrick

Meadhbh Hamrick

Meadhbh is a software industry veteran with over 20 years experience developing, managing and supporting complex software projects in the mobile, security and virtual worlds industry sectors.

As a community leader, she was responsible for spearheading the effort that became the Virtual Worlds Region Agent Protocol (VWRAP) working group in the IETF and for co-founding the Homebrew Mobile Phone Club. She is currently working at Mozilla.

Her name is Irish and is pronounced like the English “Maeve.”


Kevin Nilson

Kevin works at Google as the the team lead of the Chromecast Technical Solutions Engineer team.  Kevin is a Java Champion and three time JavaOne Rock Star.  Kevin has spoken at conferences such as JavaOne, Devoxx, O’Reilly Fluent, NFJS SpringOne, JAX, Silicon Valley Code Camp, HTML5DevConf, On Android and AjaxWorld.

Kevin is also the co-author of Web 2.0 Fundamentals.

In the past Kevin was an adjunct professor at the College of San Mateo.

Photo: Ryan Choi

Ryan Choi

Ryan Choi (@rchoi) is a Manager of a Developer Advocacy @twitter. He and his team work with companies like ESPN, Fandango and Kickstarter to help them do amazing things via the Twitter Platform. Previously, Ryan was an early engineer at, where he helped it grow from a 60 person startup to a Fortune 500 company. Ryan also was founder and CTO of StyleUp, which went through Y Combinator, Winter ’13. Ryan graduated from UC Berkeley in Computer Science (’00) and has an MBA from MIT Sloan.

Photo: Joshua Woodward

Joshua Woodward

Joshua has 5+ years experience as a professional Software Engineer. Currently he is a Front End Developer at eBay. He is the founder of GDG Fresno where he teaches Google Technologies to new and experienced developers.