Apps usage activity reports

The Apps Usage Activity reports page provides an in-depth understanding of how your organization uses Gmail and Drive. You can examine email activity over a specific period, see how many files users create and share, discover which users are near their Drive storage limits, and more.

To access the Apps Usage Activity reports page, sign in to your Admin console and click Reports > Apps Usage Activity. The page shows:

  • A chart with domain-level data
  • A table with rows for each user in your domain and columns of user-level data
  • A Filters section
If you don't see the Filters section, click filter.

The Apps Usage Activity reports page is highly customizable. Configure it to show the usage data you need for your domain.

  • To change the data the chart shows, choose an option from the drop-down menu above the chart, or click a column in the table.
  • To change the columns the table displays, click column picker. The page remembers the columns you choose and shows the same ones the next time you sign in.
  • To configure the table to only show certain users, enter the names of those users in the User Name field in the Filters section.
  • To configure the table to only show users who meet certain criteria, create your own filter as follows:
    1. In the Filters section, select a column in the Select the column drop-down list.
    2. Below the drop-down list, choose an operator (such as "equals" or "greater than").
    3. Next to the operator, enter the value for which you want to filter.
    4. Press Enter or click Add Another Filter. The chart and table change according to the filter, and the filter appears in the drop-down list above the chart.
  • To download a CSV file with the report data, click . The exported Google Sheet and downloaded CSV file both show a maximum of 200,000 cells.

The reports show historical data generated for the last seven days, the last month, the last three months, or the last six months. The date in the upper right indicates the most recent day for which report data is available. The pulldown arrow next to the date opens a calendar page you can use to select another day to use. The latest date for which all data points are present has a green background. Any later date you choose may have partial data.

Note: This article describes the new version of the Admin console reports and logs. If your screen doesn't match what this article describes, you might be using the old version.

Apps usage activity data

The Admin console bases its Apps Usage Activity reports on the following user data.

Total Storage Used in MB The megabytes of storage the user has consumed.
Used Storage % The percentage of available storage space the user has consumed.
Drive Storage Used in MB The megabytes of storage the user has consumed with Drive data.
Gmail Storage Used in MB The megabytes of storage the user has consumed with Gmail data.
Photos Storage Used in MB The megabytes of storage the user has consumed with photos
Files Owned The number of Drive files the user created.
Total Edits The number of Drive edits the user made.
Shared Files The number of Drive files the user shared.
Total Views The number of times the user viewed files in Drive (including files you uploaded).
Google Forms The number of forms the user has in Drive.
Google Slides The number of presentations the user has in Drive.
Google Sheets The number of spreadsheets the user has in Drive.
Google Docs The number of text files the user has in Drive.
File Uploads The number of times the user has uploaded Drive files.
Total Emails The total number of Gmail messages the user sent and received.
Emails Received The total number of Gmail messages the user received.
Emails Sent The total number of Gmail messages the user sent.
Gmail (POP) Last Used Time The last time the user used POP access Gmail
Gmail (IMAP) Last Used Time The last time the user used IMAP access Gmail
Gmail (Web) Last Used Time The last time the user used Web access Gmail