The Twitter Small Business Blog

Your resource for the latest news, product updates, tips and success stories to help your small business succeed on Twitter.

Results from Twitter Small Business Blog for: August 2014

Guest post: how to create Twitter lead generation campaigns in five steps

From time to time, we invite industry influencers to write a guest post on our blog and share best practices and insights related to small business, marketing and Twitter.Read more…

#HitYourGoals with Twitter

Choose from five types of objective-based Twitter campaigns that can help you achieve your marketing goals.Read more…

A new way to optimize campaign performance with Twitter Ads

We’re introducing an easier way for advertisers to create, measure and optimize campaigns — while only paying for the actions that align with their marketing objectives.Read more…

Twitter content ideas for your business to use this fall

Learn how TV programming and events generate more engagement with your followers.Read more…