Tulokset haulle #ux

Suositut / Kaikki
  1. ...and off to . Tram 8 is jittery, weather rather weird as in warm'ish but hella windy. Anyhoo, fun times ahead ;)

  2. Worrying as I'm starting on it Mt : Healthcare's patient portal. Piece of crap. Try testing b4 deploying.

  3. The work of should be heralded - one of the few / people I know dedicated to using her many talents for true good.

  4. What are the most important emerging user experience themes right now? Find out on Quora.,,:

  5. What other job allows you to combine psychology, business, research, strategy, HCI, UI, web dev, and making things pretty? <3

  6. A2: Passionate about , cuz it makes/breaks any product. A background in customer service and ethnographic research helps, too!

  7. We're hiring a UX and a Digital Analyst. IM me if you're interested. UX role: DA role:

  8. Every time I see a site that has some bad click/touch event handling for all-in-one users, I'm going to call it out here.

  9. I am hiring a Senior Designer to work on my team in Mtn. View! Email me at my_name(at) if you’ve interest!

  10. Doing good is really hard people. Just saying ... don't discount what goes into designing a great experience.

  11. Time to curate another issue of UXdose! Join weekly design newsletter:

  12. Jokainen tallaa polkunsa minne haluaa. Hyvä käyttäjäkokemussuunnittelu takaa, että kaikki valitsevat saman polun.

  13. Adage etsii ruotsia osaavaa UX-asiantuntijaa. Tarkemmin:

  14. Adage etsii ruotsia osaavaa käyttökokemusasiantuntijaa. Tarkemmin:

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