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Buffalo Bills sell for more than $1 billion http://cnnmon.ie/Zg80Rp via @chrisidore pic.twitter.com/9I5NfKonFT
.@TMZ's @HarveyLevinTMZ: Why the heck didn't Godell try to get the Ray Rice video? http://cnn.it/1rD768j #TheLead
What the airstrikes have accomplished in the battle against ISIS? @tomforemancnn reports. http://www.cnn.com/cnnx @CNN pic.twitter.com/7PG6MWEDcV
Tune into CNN tonight 10pm with @donlemon to hear my rant on Student Loans. pic.twitter.com/VOq4ASvlHe
Five South Carolina children reported missing last week found dead in Alabama; father is detained, authorities say. http://cnn.it/1p4tvdd
A history of the cell phone, and how the iPhone changed the tech industry http://cnn.it/1lUfXpL - @jaketapper reports #TheLead
The World Cup 2022 host city is ultra-futuristic. Here's a sneak peek: http://cnn.it/1wcpdJ5 #CityofTomorrow pic.twitter.com/TakzKF4SX3
President Obama tells leaders he has authority to carry out strategy against ISIS without authorization from Congress, White House says.
NEW @CNN poll results: most think Congress is worst in their lifetime; more at 6pE on #sitroom http://cnn.it/1uj80eZ pic.twitter.com/ttJAczmktr
.@KeKePalmer's making history tonight with her debut as Cinderella on Broadway http://cnn.it/1qVypjI pic.twitter.com/xPm58udz1p
CNN Poll: Most people think this is the worst Congress of their lifetime http://cnn.it/1se34aC pic.twitter.com/oksk9x0yUd
Netflix will show perpetual 'loading' symbol Wednesday #internetslowdown http://cnn.it/1xE3oDX via @doug_gross pic.twitter.com/rTA6JhZ7pt
See what remains of a wrecked ship on Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula http://cnn.it/1lPFuQF pic.twitter.com/ciELMreTdv
Maliki is a vice president in Iraq’s new government … is it more of the same? http://cnn.it/1qBWFWh pic.twitter.com/sKDwICL24K
Scarlett O'Hara refuses to become a relic. See her iconic curtain dress in a new #GWTW exhibit http://cnn.it/1lQNK2I pic.twitter.com/JNZOF6ehWQ
how putting down your cell phone can help you live to 100 http://cnn.it/1rTweOf @cnn #livingto100
Should NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell step down over Ray Rice case?
VOTE HERE: http://cnn.it/1nJuQXa More 7pE @CNN. pic.twitter.com/8p2FiYuNsQ
U.S military's conducting airstrikes in Iraq against ISIS; see how the U.S targets terrorists: http://cnn.it/1sdgjYQ pic.twitter.com/gh7gaGtyct
What happens when artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence? Nick Bostrom explains http://cnn.it/1nIE5Hg pic.twitter.com/lzBD6Nh6WT
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