Serious about Sailing

If you're serious about sailing, then you'll love this Show!

Thousands of UK sailors love getting out on the water, putting up the sails and heading off on a course upwind as a fantastic way of enjoying the outdoors. Others like to turn the pressure up, sheeting in to race local waters or further afield offshore.

Whatever your passion, if it is getting into boating for the first time or as an experienced sailor wanting to take home some much needed new skills, then the Show provides the platform to learn, engage and see some of the best built boats in the industry.

Throughout the Show are thousands of boats, brands, products and suppliers to suit your sailing needs from unique learning experiences such as traditional wooden boat building techniques and studying how to splice halyards to choosing the right sail cloth and joining a club.

Cruising yachts, racing dinghies, multihulls and trailer sailors along with specialist advice all in one place guarantees the Show has something not just for you but for all of your family and sailing friends.

See the following boat types:


See products and services of interest...
