Dogger Bank

Map showing the area of Dogger Bank

The Dogger Bank Zone is in the North Sea, located between 125 and 290 kilometres off the east coast of Yorkshire. It extends over approximately 8660 km2 with its outer limit aligned to UK continental shelf limit as defined by the UK Hydrographic Office.  Dogger Bank is the largest of the Round 3 zones but with water depths ranging from 18 to 63 metres, it is also one of the shallowest. It has the potential for approximately 4GW development capacity in less than 30m water depths.

The name Dogger Bank comes from the term "dogger", which was a type of Dutch fishing boat that commonly worked in the North Sea in the seventeenth century.

Facts and Figures

Size: 8660km2 (3343 square miles).  Largest of the Round 3 zones.
Equivalent to size of North Yorkshire.

Distance from shore: 125 to 290 kilometres (77 to 180 miles).

Water depth: 18 to 63 metres (59 to 206 feet). One of the shallowest of the Round 3 zones. It has the potential for approximately 4GW development capacity in less than 30m water depths and 8GW in less than 35m water depths.

Estimated capacity: agreed target 7.2GW.

CO2 reduction: The 9GW Dogger Bank development would reduce CO2 emissions by 13.7 million tonnes per annum, based on the current UK energy mix and a capacity factor of 40%.