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13 May 2002, 10:29 am
AUS$750,000 charity target for fun race
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Blackmores Three Island Charity Fun Race

Breaking through the magical figure of AUS$750,000 for cancer research will be the target for sailors, their families and friends participating in the Blackmores Three Island Charity Fun Race, Pittwater, Australia, next month.
Since being founded 14 years ago at Newport's Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club by local sailing enthusiasts Rob Mundle and David Stewart, the Three Island fun race has become the most popular winter sailing event on Pittwater. It has contributed near $700,000 to the Cure Cancer Australia Foundation - formerly the Leo and Jenny Leukaemia and Cancer Foundation.

To help boost the fund raising efforts this year a special race within the race is being created. Local businesses are sponsoring seven of the Teamsail Sydney 38 class yachts out of the club. Company representatives will be aboard the yachts which will be racing for a special trophy.

As always it's a weekend of fun starting on Friday, June 21, with an Italian-themed dinner at the club. Guests will dress as their favourite Italian and be treated to a sumptuous dinner, great dancing and an auction offering everything from an island holiday to celebrity painted plates.

The actual Blackmores Three Island Fun Race will start from the club's front lawn at 10am on Sunday, June 23. It will be the traditional Le Mans start with competitors required to complete a very novel (and still secret) starting procedure on the lawn before proceeding to their yachts.

The course has been modified slightly this year to avoid the log jam that was experienced last year when the fleet of 73 yacht tried to squeeze between Scotland Island and Church Point at the same time. This year, instead of rounding Scotland Island first, they will sail from the start to Lion and Dangar Islands before rounding Scotland Island en route to the finish at the club.

The club will be offering a champagne breakfast from 8am on the Sunday morning so crews can prepare for the day's activities.

Those supporters not wanting to sail but still looking to be part of the fun will be able to following the sailing on a special spectator boat being provided at a cost of $30.00 per head. It will depart the club at 9.30am. Food and beverages will be available on board.

This is a day designed for sailors, family and friends to have a great time and support a worthy cause. The on-water competition is keen but casual while post-race there'll be the usual party, entertainment and trophy presentation at the club.

For more information please contact the Blackmores Three Island Fun Race coordinators, Rob Mundle, Nicky Ronalds or Linda Hamilton-Evans on 9997 1126. E-mail
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