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30 May 2002, 04:54 pm
Results After Four Races
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Soling European Championship

Great day of sailing yesterday in Castiglione for the second and third race of the Soling European Championship. A perfect day, with warm temperatures, sun and seabreeze from 7 to 10 knots, was enjoyed by the 32 crews in two good races.
Another perfect day for sailing in Castiglione della Pescaia, with sun and a 15 knots seabreeze from 270° enjoyed by the 32 competitors for a very interesting race.

After a very good start, the winner was german Axel Maertens. Austrian Carl Auteried with a good second is still the leader overall with a 4 point advantage on Hungarian Wossala. Yesterday evening a gala dinner was offered by Coldiretti. Today two races are schedules starting at 12:00.

Results After Four Races

1 AUT AUTERIED 2 3 1 2 8,00 pts

2 HUN WOSSALA 4 1 3 4 12,00 pts

3 AUT SCHNEEBERGER 3 4 2 3 12,00 pts

4 BRA CUNHA FARIA 6 2 7 7 22,00 pts

5 GER KOCH 5 6 6 5 22,00 pts

6 GER MERTENZ 7 7 12 1 27,00 pts

7 HUN BALAZS 8 10 4 6 28,00 pts

8 SLO ANTONCIC 1 8 13 8 30,00 pts

9 GBR CLARE 11 5 8 9 33,00 pts

10 NOR ASBJORNROD 9 13 5 11 38,00 pts
Soling Europeans Press/News Editor
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