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9 May 2002, 06:25 pm
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World Speed Sailing Record Council

Update from the World Speed Sailing Record Council (WSSRC) on Records Ratified and Future Record Attempts in waiting.

Records Ratified
- The WSSRC has ratified the Round the World Outright record set by Bruno Peyron and crew onboard "Orange" at 64 days 8 hours 37 minutes and 24 seconds

Records Awaiting Ratification
Confirmation of the illbruck claim to the 24 hour distance record claim is in process - awaiting declarations from the
Skipper and crew when they finish Leg 7 of the Volvo Ocean Race.

Record Attempts in Waiting

- Steve Fossett made an unsuccessful attempt on the Marseilles to Carthage and is waiting for another opportunity.

- Maiden 11 is waiting to attempt the Antigua to Newport record.

- Windrose (46m Schooner) is about to try the Transatlantic (Rule 21.c) record.

- Peter Bell in the US is poised for an attempt on the 500m record with a hydrofoil equipped windsurfer.

- Giovanni Soldini with a Tri 60 is planning an attempt on the Marseilles to Carthage record.

- James Hoad with a 6.5m Monohull is to attempt the Round Britain in July.

- Zena (Australia) is on standby for another attempt on the 24 hour mono record.

For all the latest news from the world of speed sailing, visit the World Speed Sailing Record Council's website.

John Reed - WSSRC/ISAF Secretariat
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