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13 March 2003, 09:41 am
Geronimo - Day 61
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Jules Verne Trophy
Round the World

The Cap Gemini and Schneider Electric trimaran has been back up to speed since Tuesday, covering 431.19 nautical miles on her 61st day at sea; an average of 17.96 knots.

She is currently making the most of the southerly winds that are driving her at over 20 knots and almost directly towards Ushant. It's a weather situation that seems set to last until midday today.

"By midday, we'll be about 1050 miles from Ushant. That will leave us 71 hours to cover the distance, which in turn means we'll have to average 14 knots to cross the line in time, but we're far from certain of being able to achieve that. Nevertheless, the boat can do it. Despite everything we've put up with so far, all we need is a little bit of air, but for the moment, we don't know exactly what we're going to get. At the moment, the weather for these last few miles of the course seems poor and rather variable", explains Olivier de Kersauson.

Geronimo is currently heading for the Azores under full main and gennaker. The trimaran is reaching peak speeds of 27 to 28 knots despite a small residual swell from the north. "We've had really good gliding conditions (and) whilst there's nothing for us in the north - which is currently the case - the shortest route is clearly the one to take".

Position at 0300GMT 13 March 2003

38º08N 30º14W
Distance travelled in 24 hours (Day 61) 431.19nm
Average Speed 17.96 knots

Distance to Ushant

Geronimo - 1251.90nm
Orange - 1361.60 Secretariat
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