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19 June 2013, 09:27 am
Inside The ISAF Training Resources - Kiteboarding
Training - Inside Kiteboarding
Inside The ISAF Training Resources - Kiteboarding

Inside The ISAF Training Resources - Kiteboarding

The ISAF Beginners Guide to Kiteboarding sets out some useful knowledge to reference as part of your learning. Once the basics are mastered, practice is not only great fun but very progressive. Go fly a kite and enjoy the ride!
In this week's Inside The ISAF Training Resources Kristin Boese, Technical expert for the ISAF Beginners Guide to Kiteboarding, nine time World Champion Kiter and KB4Girls Founder tells us what area of kiting face found most exciting and why.

"Getting new people into the sport is simply sharing some of the fun that kiteboarding gives me. While mastering the waterstart, meaning the step that actually gets a new kiter up on the board and riding, is the most challenging part of it all it also is the most rewarding one."

"That moment of first planing over the water and mastering kite and board is so elevating and seeing the big smiles in the faces of the students is priceless and super rewarding."

"I remember my first riding experience really well and it is what really got me addicted. It now is a part that I love teaching, especially because there are a lot of little tips and tricks that can make it so much easier for any student to master it."

The ISAF Beginners Guide to Kiteboarding can be purchased directly from the new online shop publications area here.

If you have any experiences of learning to Kiteboard then why not share them with us via our Facebook page here and via Twitter here so others can use them as a starting point.

For details on all ISAF Training and Development programmes visit our dedicated website

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