Islington Boat Club celebrates grant success 

Islington Boat Club (IBC) is celebrating a successful bid for a Sport England Small Grant of £10000, funded by the Lottery, together with a further £15000 of funding from Mount Anvil Developers.

The funds will be used to purchase new RS Bug and Feva sailing dinghies, new pontoons to give easier access to the water, a safety boat and coaching support to inspire and enable more people in the area to sail at the club.   

Paul Anderson, Director of the club, said: “It’s great news that we have been awarded funding to develop sailing at IBC, and our thanks go to the RYA for its help with the bid. The funding has given our club development plan a real boost and allows us to introduce sailing into our multi-sport activity centre."      

Steve Mitchell, RYA regional development officer for Thames Valley and London, added: ”Islington Boat Club is in one of the most urban settings for sailing, powerboating, and inland waterways. The grant success comes at a time when the club is focusing on development and offers a great opportunity to inspire new people to sailing and boating. The offer of equipment that is accessible and attractive to support people going sailing is great news for our sport.”   

Sport England provides National Lottery funding through Inspired Facilities and Small Grants, part of its Olympic and Paralympic legacy programme, which to date has supported some 1300 local sports projects; a further £40m is set to be distributed over the next three years.   

For more information about Islington Boat Club Sailing Club visit

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Article Published: August 28, 2014 16:56

Article Updated: August 29, 2014 9:26


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