Red Ladies Captivate Margate YC 

Club raises profile of sailing with involvement in production

Clod Ensemble’s Red Ladies enjoyed a dramatic nautical entrance as they were supported by Margate YC ahead of their latest high profile production during the last week of July.  

Red Ladies are an international phenomenon - there are millions of them all over the world. When they arrive in a town or city the Red Ladies pay attention to the people, the architecture, the plants, and the wildlife they find, and in doing so they draw people’s attention to the importance and function of these things. 

As the Red Ladies began to infiltrate the streets of Margate, the yacht club helped some arrive by sea, as well as land and air, ensuring sailing was given a high profile role in this captivating scene.

Details of the secret mission were only disclosed to dinghy, RIB and shore crews 15 minutes prior to launching. A Laser Bahia and RIB took to the water with four Red Ladies onboard. The conditions were ideal, with the wind below a Force 4 and calm sea.  

After 45 minutes cruising around the bay, the boats were joined by a jet ski with one Red Lady and a helicopter with the club's Commodore, Peter Shawyer, and three more Red Ladies onboard. 

The sea craft rendezvoused and then transferred the Red Ladies to the shore and harbour arm.  Other Red Ladies observed the action from vantage points including the roof of the Turner Contemporary.  

Peter said “It was great to be involved in such a prestigious project, bringing sailing into a wider audience. The view from the helicopter was fantastic.”

Red Ladies is an ongoing performance piece featuring a group of identically dressed women. It has been performed in Trafalgar Square, the ICA, London, Warwick Arts Centre London and the Serralves Museum Porto. 

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Article Published: August 04, 2014 8:16


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