Marine Licensing
Anyone carrying out operations in tidal and coastal waters will need to comply with marine licensing requirements.
The marine licensing system under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 has been in force since 6 April 2011.
The Act covers England’s inshore waters and offshore waters around the UK. Many of its provisions also apply to Wales. The Scottish Government and the Northern Ireland Executive have similar legislation.
You are likely to need a marine licence if you are depositing or removing any substance or object either in the sea, on or under the sea bed. Deposits made from a vessel in the course of normal navigation or maintenance (e.g. launching, anchoring, flushing heads) are exempt but many works carried out by clubs (e.g. laying moorings, installing pontoons) are likely to require a licence.
Do I need a Marine Licence?
- Find out whether you need a marine licence before you undertake works in the marine environment.
Exempt or Non-licensable Activities
- Find out which activities are exempt in England and what you need to do to register your exemption.
Fast Track
- This is a shorter licensing process for very low risk activities such as maintenance work or laying buoys.
Maintenance Dredging
- Information about marine licensing requirements for maintenance dredging.
Fees and Charges
- Information about the fees and charges associated with applying for a marine licence in England.
Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
- What is the MMO and why do they have the power to licence activities in the marine environment?
See Also
RYA webpage about the provisions made under the Marine and Coastal Access Act.