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If you can’t find an answer to your questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. In order for us to give you the best possible help please make sure that you get in touch with the correct person or department.

VCUK Customer Relations
Scandinavia House
Norreys Drive

Switchboard phone: 01628 422200
Customer relations phone: 01628 422522

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We sincerely appreciate your interest in our company and products. Across the world we aim for one thing - number one in customer satisfaction. If you are considering buying a new Volvo, you're welcome to take your model of interest for an exciting test drive.

Request a Test Drive - click here or call 0800 400 430

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Business Sales - Click here or call 0345 600 40 27

Since a Volvo dealership can quickly help you with almost any question you might have about buying and driving
a Volvo, or using our services, we encourage you to contact your local dealer first of all or call 0800 400 430.

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Contact our Customer Relations team on 01628 422522  or submit your comments and queries online


Interested in Volvo Car Insurance?
Set up annual cover – click here or call us 0800 238 239

Motor Codes contact details:
Motor Codes Ltd was established by the Motor Industry to act as the self regulatory body for the automotive sector and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).
Click here for information and contact details



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