Sea and Summit - 2014 Challenge

Sea and Summit Challenge Logo

Latest challenge COMPLETE!! Check out the Sea and Summit page for more info, video clips and news updates.

In July and August I sailed from Cowes, Isle of Wight, to Wales and climbed the highest mountain in South Wales.  Read more here >>>

Welcome to the Miss Isle website

This site is all about a young lady called Natasha who is achieving her dreams through sailing. Despite being labelled 'disabled', having athertoid cerebral palsy, this is a story about being 'able'; able to achieve, able to take an active part in the community, able to achieve dreams...

Sponsors needed

Could you help make the next challenge happen? We need sponsors in a range of areas, please click here for more information.

 Sailing past The Needles, Isle of Wight   Natasha Lambert at teh end of her 2013 challenge