Request help signing in to your account.

Don't panic! We can help.

First, please request a password reset from Twitter.

  • Were you able to access your account?

    • Great! You're done.

  • Are you enrolled in login verification?

    • Please check your spam filters to see if the email could have ended up there.

      • Great! You're done.

      • Please provide more information in the fields below.

      • It’s not currently possible to have multiple Twitter accounts tied to the same email address. It looks like the address you entered is tied to a different Twitter account. Please click on the Reset my password button and try entering another address.

      • Sorry, we can’t help you. We require verification of either the email address and/or mobile number tied to the account in order to access it.

    • Please try entering any mobile number that was ever associated with your account, starting with the “+” sign and country code (U.K.: +447781488126, U.S.: +12125551212, etc)

    • Did it recognize your phone number?

        • Great! Check your email for the password reset email. If you’re having trouble accessing the email, refresh this page again and answer the questions.

        • Please provide more information in the fields below.

      • Please provide more information in the fields below.

      • Please provide more information in the fields below.

    • Please try entering in any other email addresses you may have associated with your account on the password reset form. Please only enter in email addresses you currently own.

    • Were any of those email addresses recognized?

      • You can refresh the page and try other email addresses you currently own and can access. If you’ve used your account over SMS you can also try to reset your password on the SMS password reset form. Instructions here. If neither of those work, we invite you to fill in the fields below or create a new account.

This is the email we'll use to contact you. Enter your current address.
When did you last sign in to your account? Your best guess is okay.
Security reminder: Do not include private information (address, home phone) in this request. Never include your password.
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