Request help for Account and Profile Settings.

Have no fear, Twitter Support is here!

    • You can update your profile picture from your profile settings. You can find detailed instructions on how to upload a new photo in this help article. Detailed instructions on how to update your background image or profile design are in this help article.

    • Are you able to resolve your issue?

      • Great!

      • Please complete the form below.

    • You can update your email address from your account settings. Detailed instructions are available in this help article.

    • Are you able to resolve your issue?

      • Great!

      • Please complete the form below.

    • You can protect or unprotect your Tweets from your account settings. Detailed instructions are available in this help article.

    • Are you able to resolve your issue?

      • Great!

      • Please complete the form below.

    • You can change email notifications from the notification settings page. Detailed instructions are available in this help article.

    • Are you able to resolve your issue?

      • Great!

      • Please complete the form below.

    • Here are some less common issues:

      • Verification has been closed to the public. This means we are not accepting requests for verification. We are still verifying some trusted sources, such as advertisers and partners, but are not accepting public requests. More info.

      • Please complete the form below.

Security reminder: Do not include private information (address, home phone) in this request. Never include your password.

Your information

This is the email we'll use to contact you. Enter your current address.
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