OnBoard hits half a million target 

Young sailors from RYA OnBoard Clubs across the north east enjoyed a fun day at Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club earlier this month.

The youngsters gathered together at the RYA North East OnBoard Festival to celebrate the success of the RYA OnBoard programme which recently announced its half millionth milestone. 

"When OnBoard was created back in 2005, we set ourselves the ambitious target of introducing half a million kids to sailing and windsurfing in ten years," explained RYA Sport Development Manager, Duncan Truswell. "As we approach the programme’s tenth anniversary next March, we’re delighted to announce that we’ve already reached that number." 

Whether it’s taking to the sea for the first time in a dinghy or going racing during a PE lesson, RYA OnBoard introduces sailing and windsurfing to young people aged 8 to 18 at an affordable cost, through schools, youth groups and training centres. At the recent north east OnBoard festival, most of the youngsters were new to the sport and only began sailing this year. The teams took part in a series of relay races and the day finished with a tug o' war competition. 

"RYA OnBoard is a great way to introduce young people to sailing through fun activities," explained Katie Mapplebeck, RYA NE Sailing Development Officer. "Sailing when you're young is not just about racing, it's about confidence building." Nicky Leech, OnBoard Development Officer at Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club, agreed; "We have two teams here from Derwent, the Warriors in green and the Pirates in pink and most of them began sailing in the past two years. We have had lots of young people at our Saturday morning sessions this year. Long may it continue." 

Phil Hope, Team Manager for Tees and Hartlepool Yacht Club, was very impressed with his team; "Most of them only began sailing in May this year and we have attracted youngsters from as far away as Sedgefield and Darlington. Our team on the water today was led by 15 year old Alex Hodge and the young sailors have had a fantastic day and the team work has been amazing." 

"I'd like to give a big thank you to all the club volunteers and parents," said Katie Mapplebeck at the end of the event. "RYA OnBoard would not be possible without the support from all the clubs around the Region." 

Want to take part? Please visit the RYA website to find the club or training centre nearest to you.

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Article Published: August 22, 2014 16:36


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