Rachel meets a famous television writer, whose eccentric personality catches Rachel off guard. Meanwhile, Sam and Mercedes deal with the pressure of commitment as their careers take off, and the ti...
In an episode written by series star Chris Colfer, Rachel attempts to salvage her reputation among Broadway gossipers by hiring Santana as her publicist and creating a charity for rescue animals. M...
Rachel jeopardizes her "Funny Girl" lead when she auditions for a television pilot. Meawhile, Mercedes tries to help get Santana in on her recording deal, and Blaine befriends an older, rich social...
The night has finally arrived for Rachel's Broadway debut in "Funny Girl," and she has very special guests in town to support her career-defining moment. Musical Performances include "Lovefool", "...
When the boys get tested for STDs, Artie tests positive for a disease and he's forced to tell his sexual partners. Meanwhile, Kurt and Blaine have relationship issues when Blaine puts on his "fresh...
The members of New Directions are back in action and take on their biggest assignment yet: the Beatles! As Will enlists the kids to pay homage to the classic song catalog from the Fab Four, Blaine ...
The members of New Directions tackle their assignment of getting out of their comfort zones and determining whether they're more like "Katy" (Perry) or (Lady) "Gaga." Kurt holds auditions for his n...
Blaine believes he has the best plan to win Nationals, but he doesn't take the glee club's criticism too well when the students accuse him of being too controlling. Over in New York, Kurt also runs...
Sue Sylvester introduces the episode as a Christmas special that FOX did not allow to air from last year. The New Directions audition for roles in McKinley's living Nativity Scene. Meanwhile in New...
The New Directions pay homage to the Piano Man: Billy Joel. As graduation looms closer, the seniors make plans for their futures beyond the halls of McKinley.